Our New Corporate Name


What will it be?
Astra Meyers
Astra Squibb
Bristol Zeneca
Astra Bristol
Zeneca Meyers
Astra Zeneca Bristol Meyers Squibb

I love it when you put your bristol in my astra and then squibb all over me.
Love Carrie B.

The only positive thing is that the reps will no longer need to pronounce 5 syllables when introducing their embarrassing company.

AZ and BMS will fork over 5 mil or so to a consultant to come up with a decent name, like Novartis did. Some ideas:




Pay us anyway


AsZeBrMySq = Mysqezas
P+honetically = My Squeeze ass
All the cool names that you pay millions to companies who figure this shit out sound either like Greek gods or Latin references from biblical times or like a term from physics class from senior year that leads us to this -
