Our health plan coverage


Good grief who is gonna ever make it past their deductible as a family unless you have something really chronic and need constant testing. I’ll never meet my deductible so I’m just paying high premiums plus the full out of pocket costs fir all of my visits.
I expect better from Lilly.

Good grief who is gonna ever make it past their deductible as a family unless you have something really chronic and need constant testing. I’ll never meet my deductible so I’m just paying high premiums plus the full out of pocket costs fir all of my visits.
I expect better from Lilly.

go reread the benefits of explanation. They cover the first 2k.

Good grief who is gonna ever make it past their deductible as a family unless you have something really chronic and need constant testing. I’ll never meet my deductible so I’m just paying high premiums plus the full out of pocket costs fir all of my visits.
I expect better from Lilly.

Then go work somewhere else. whining people irritate me. You think it’s better somewhere else?

I left that pharma mafia years ago, and the only good thing that company had by the time I left were the benefits. I love my job now, but I'm paying 800.00 a month just in premiums on family insurance. Then there's the deductible, and no 2K to help cover it. You have great coverage at Lilly, and you need for all the stress induced illness you'll have to take of.

I left that pharma mafia years ago, and the only good thing that company had by the time I left were the benefits. I love my job now, but I'm paying 800.00 a month just in premiums on family insurance. Then there's the deductible, and no 2K to help cover it. You have great coverage at Lilly, and you need for all the stress induced illness you'll have to take of.

Just curious, what industry are you in now? I'm looking to GTF outta here