Our Company


But not too much shame after cashing all those big bonus checks old timer. You are right in there with them and you know it!

Yes, you are right. At the time, however, we did not know that there was no data on file that OC was less addictive, nor did we know that data had been suppressed showing that OC was not a true 12 hour dose. We did not know about the "pill mill" doctors and a lot of other important information that was withheld from us. Well, you know it now. You know how damaging OC has been on the community. Why are you still at PP?

Yes, you are right. At the time, however, we did not know that there was no data on file that OC was less addictive, nor did we know that data had been suppressed showing that OC was not a true 12 hour dose. We did not know about the "pill mill" doctors and a lot of other important information that was withheld from us. Well, you know it now. You know how damaging OC has been on the community. Why are you still at PP?
Answer: the troll was never at Purdue. Neither were you. Simple.

The sales force has become the family in a horror movie that won't leave the haunted house. Horrible things have happen here and your distruction is inevitable. You turn a blind eye from the horror and pretend everything is normal. Get out!

But not too much shame after cashing all those big bonus checks old timer. You are right in there with them and you know it!

Some of us quit in disgust. Others were fired for not agreeing to destroy and cannibalize their own M.S. Contin business and destroy the relationship with the specialists. If anyone thinks the Reps quoted in the articles are trolls, you are a fool. I know who they are. I know one of them intimately. Purdue directed us to lie. Telling the doctors that OC was less addictive WAS A LIE. Q.E.D. No one can debate that.

This place is in deep shit considering that we now have hundreds of lawsuits lined up....While they will no doubt be consolidated...the fall out will be disastrous to our bottom line for years to come. There is no way to support our sales force with these 'me too' drugs on the horizon.

After reading that article, It really is becoming harder to justify what we do on a daily basis. I know that we all hang our hats on the fact that we ease the pain of millions of appropriate patients. But there are millions more that have suffered due to what has happened over the years. This place has been instrumental in blurring the lines for decades. I'm relatively new here and thought I knew most of the details of our history but after reading this article it just drives home the fact that some things are hard to overcome...and what took place here for years is simply unforgivable.