Osteo drug dropped :( what the hell is left for PC to sell?


It's been awhile since HQ has given us a heads up.... Last time they did there were other drugs in the mix.... Once weekly dpp4... Dropped... Osteoporosis ... Dropped.... Generic insulin which kinda had the message that sales may not actively promote it when it hits....

What the hell is left for us to sell in 2017 besides Januvia (which will be interesting if managed care plans pick up nesina on price) Sleep( which is way off the mark nationally .. And asthma.. I have no idea what that pulls in anymore


good point. diabetes and vaccines are the only general medicine diseases we are focusing on.
we already have a vaccine sales group. so it appears the only primary care group in the future will be a diabetes team.
they keep talking about acquisition but i think the acquisition will be in one of the areas of focus not primary care.

good point. diabetes and vaccines are the only general medicine diseases we are focusing on.
we already have a vaccine sales group. so it appears the only primary care group in the future will be a diabetes team.
they keep talking about acquisition but i think the acquisition will be in one of the areas of focus not primary care.
I have been telling you that you are gone this year!

It's been awhile since HQ has given us a heads up.... Last time they did there were other drugs in the mix.... Once weekly dpp4... Dropped... Osteoporosis ... Dropped.... Generic insulin which kinda had the message that sales may not actively promote it when it hits....

What the hell is left for us to sell in 2017 besides Januvia (which will be interesting if managed care plans pick up nesina on price) Sleep( which is way off the mark nationally .. And asthma.. I have no idea what that pulls in anymore

This post is an excellent wake up call. Enjoy the long weekend then if you have yet to do so, start getting your house in order. Layoffs are a horrible experience but the more you do to organize your personal finances and update your skills (including resume and linkedin profile) the more you can minimize the anxiety to feel some sense of control. Come to the realization that what you are doing now is not for your career development with Merck but it will help you in your future job search. Example: Think about what you can do and document now to demonstrate your accomplishments when you are sitting in front of a prospective employer. Write your next PMP as though you are using it to describe yourself not to your Merck manager, but to your next employer. Visualize being the hiring manager, what would you want to hear about a candidate's skills and accomplishments? Invest your time and effort in your future today, it will minimize the stress and pain tomorrow.

Hello from hero of the stupid. Just sayin but my guess is that we focus on Diabetes, Vaccines, Oncology and Hospital/Specialty. Fill in the products and if they are not part of the mix, you are out. Not rocket science here folks. Goodnight dummies

Why so mean and name calling... Nobody is safe and this can be a stressful time and people are just wanting/needing answers. Who wouldn't... Even if you are on the diabetes team it doesn't mean you are safe. They have downsized that group too.

Why so mean and name calling... Nobody is safe and this can be a stressful time and people are just wanting/needing answers. Who wouldn't... Even if you are on the diabetes team it doesn't mean you are safe. They have downsized that group too.

Why so mean and name calling... Nobody is safe and this can be a stressful time and people are just wanting/needing answers. Who wouldn't... Even if you are on the diabetes team it doesn't mean you are safe. They have downsized that group too.
Haven't you figured out the FACT is you are gone by January. I am inside and can state that the downsizing is going to go forward. PC is now a useless group in the company.