Orthopedic Sales Associate


Interviewing for Orthopedic Sales opening in Maryland. Any insight? How long do people stay on associate track? Trying to break into medical sales but want the right opportunity. I have been successful throughout my life and want to be in highest level of sales. Ready to crush it. Thanks in advance.

Interviewing for Orthopedic Sales opening in Maryland. Any insight? How long do people stay on associate track? Trying to break into medical sales but want the right opportunity. I have been successful throughout my life and want to be in highest level of sales. Ready to crush it. Thanks in advance.

Run away crap company crap leadership
Hire idiots to manage to keep cush jobs
Get asses kicked in the field every day
5 Arthrex reps for every 1 concrap rep
Ortho is a joke and a disgrace run by the laughing stock of the industry

There have been 22 representatives in the Maryland territory in the past four years and everyone left due to a lack of leadership and weak products. The commission structure is low and the company is going to be acquired by the end of the year and broken up. Everyone will have to interview for their jobs and only a few will be hired. The end is near.