

Everyone get their ornaments delivered today? Check your front door to make sure you don't miss them.

I am truly curious, who believed that I would want a picture of the giant Soolantra zit on a Christmas Tree? If I weren't Jewish, I would swear Jesus Christ himself was rolling over in his grave, even the empty one.

Loved the line in the card that these ornaments were not to be given to practitioners! This company propaganda has no place being given to anyone...ever! Seriously, who thought that this would be a good way to spend money, especially when no one in the field selling is getting paid bonus? And no one along the production path raised their hand to say, "I don't think this is a good (or tasteful, or appropriate, or fill in the blank) idea."?

Next, I hope that they send a signed pic of HA placing this on his 3-story tree...overnight shipping should be appropriate, don't you think?


HA is only three feet tall so he has a 6 ft tree and he thinks it is a really big one. Again the leadership and judgement of our leadership has been in question for years. this stupid ideas and lack of vision on the consequences of their decisions should not surprise anybody. I think all of the people that they again laid off have bigger problems this Christmas season then you have with the silly ornament they sent out. But Merry Christmas everyone!

Stop being a bunch of cry babies. You are overpaid, and work part-time jobs. You have it so easy. And you are soft. weak. Sensitive. Entitled. And have a hard road ahead. Never in the future will you get paid like you are ...for doing so little...like you are now. Grow a set.

Stop being a bunch of cry babies. You are overpaid, and work part-time jobs. You have it so easy. And you are soft. weak. Sensitive. Entitled. And have a hard road ahead. Never in the future will you get paid like you are ...for doing so little...like you are now. Grow a set.

This folks is what management think about you . Tracey still venting on here . Feel valued as a true " dermatology sales professional " now sell with " Grit " before the next disaster card change