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Orlando Meeting Recap


Let's see...

1) CV and CVi clearly can't stand each other
2) Whoever came up with the statistic that 70% of newly diagnosed NVAF is written out of primary care is a douche canoe

3) Nobody seems to have answers on anything other than saying, "We are working on it. Those answers AND MORE! are coming..."

4) Virtual cath labs are way cooler after 5 beers

5) Everyone dances around the issue of realignment which is all anyone cared to know anyway

6) Ooopsy, our comp plan has been fucked up again "We are working on it AND MORE!"

7) Who the hell was that chick in general session who got up on stage and kept saying Lotrel? Dug that red eye shadow.


Let's see...

1) CV and CVi clearly can't stand each other
2) Whoever came up with the statistic that 70% of newly diagnosed NVAF is written out of primary care is a douche canoe

3) Nobody seems to have answers on anything other than saying, "We are working on it. Those answers AND MORE! are coming..."

4) Virtual cath labs are way cooler after 5 beers

5) Everyone dances around the issue of realignment which is all anyone cared to know anyway

6) Ooopsy, our comp plan has been fucked up again "We are working on it AND MORE!"

7) Who the hell was that chick in general session who got up on stage and kept saying Lotrel? Dug that red eye shadow.

rEd sHadOw. Did you see her uncool purple boots?

rEd sHadOw. Did you see her uncool purple boots?

I did dig her black dress with all buttons for quick removal...I was waiting for Van Halen's Hot for Teacher to start playing and she would hit the pole.

It was great to see all my co-workers showing thighs,cleavage, and anything else they could think of...ladies college night at the bar was 15 years ago, put down 50 shades of Grey and your toy and look professional.

Game On

I did dig her black dress with all buttons for quick removal...I was waiting for Van Halen's Hot for Teacher to start playing and she would hit the pole.

It was great to see all my co-workers showing thighs,cleavage, and anything else they could think of...ladies college night at the bar was 15 years ago, put down 50 shades of Grey and your toy and look professional.

Game On
Sounds a whole lot Louie sour grapes. Lemme guess, you're one of the dough boys still wearing pleated pants ain'tcha?

Been to a lot of meetings over the years and this ranks as the worst. Nothing productive as it appears this company is the master of the dog and pony show. Hard to interpret what the hell leadership is talking about. They are moving so fast for other indications yet we can't even button up very important details in AFIB. The comp plan is messed up, WTF was Judy rambling about and we have no clue how we are getting paid in Q3. Many of the DSM's were looking beat down and haggard.
Highlight was after Marketing spent 1 hour going over the great new updates to the ASSet and more on the ASSet clearly in an effort to justify themselves was when Dr. Gibson stated "Ipads do not sell drugs people sell drugs".
Bottom line is sure up the details on AFIB, get us our Q3 comp plan and then get the Marketers, VP's, RBD's and DSM's out of our way and lets us keep producing. It is evident who your producers are and is not Institutional or Retail it is CV so quit messing with us, dragging us down to your pathetic lazy levels and let us continue to carry you. ALSO... Institutional please leave our Cardiologist alone, they know you are chumps, have no clue about cardiology, are too lazy to even try to learn Cardiology and just because you sat through a Cath Lab simulator does not mean you have earned to right to call on these folks. You know, we know Cardiologist will eat your lunch so do us all a favor, tell your boss and Humpty Stumpty what they want to hear and then just stay home and push paper, do what you do best at and stay home... PLEASE!

Been to a lot of meetings over the years and this ranks as the worst. Nothing productive as it appears this company is the master of the dog and pony show. Hard to interpret what the hell leadership is talking about. They are moving so fast for other indications yet we can't even button up very important details in AFIB. The comp plan is messed up, WTF was Judy rambling about and we have no clue how we are getting paid in Q3. Many of the DSM's were looking beat down and haggard.
Highlight was after Marketing spent 1 hour going over the great new updates to the ASSet and more on the ASSet clearly in an effort to justify themselves was when Dr. Gibson stated "Ipads do not sell drugs people sell drugs".
Bottom line is sure up the details on AFIB, get us our Q3 comp plan and then get the Marketers, VP's, RBD's and DSM's out of our way and lets us keep producing. It is evident who your producers are and is not Institutional or Retail it is CV so quit messing with us, dragging us down to your pathetic lazy levels and let us continue to carry you. ALSO... Institutional please leave our Cardiologist alone, they know you are chumps, have no clue about cardiology, are too lazy to even try to learn Cardiology and just because you sat through a Cath Lab simulator does not mean you have earned to right to call on these folks. You know, we know Cardiologist will eat your lunch so do us all a favor, tell your boss and Humpty Stumpty what they want to hear and then just stay home and push paper, do what you do best at and stay home... PLEASE!

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I really enjoyed getting home Wednesday morning from the meeting! Thanks again Dominic for not letting us arrange flights out until after 4pm Tuesday. This whole meeting could have been done on an hour webcast to review the IPAD ASSET and thats it. What a waste of time and resources. I'm really looking forward to doing it all over again when we finally do get the ACS indication. Morons

I really enjoyed getting home Wednesday morning from the meeting! Thanks again Dominic for not letting us arrange flights out until after 4pm Tuesday. This whole meeting could have been done on an hour webcast to review the IPAD ASSET and thats it. What a waste of time and resources. I'm really looking forward to doing it all over again when we finally do get the ACS indication. Morons

The "Show" must go on.....
Everyone with a brain sees it.....
And people with brains are not "Leaders".
sad sad sad
Such a waste of resources and good will.

No new data, no new indication, no new competition and yet we needed to be "certified"...AGAIN? Are you serious? Is this not what the managers do on a DAILY basis. But you guys have to stress everyone out and work them to death. The wasted time, money, and effort is mind boggling. Oh yeah, then preach The Credo and work life balance. BTW, Michael Gibson rocks.

No new data, no new indication, no new competition and yet we needed to be "certified"...AGAIN? Are you serious? Is this not what the managers do on a DAILY basis. But you guys have to stress everyone out and work them to death. The wasted time, money, and effort is mind boggling. Oh yeah, then preach The Credo and work life balance. BTW, Michael Gibson rocks.

They can't break out of "old school phama thinking" because many of those making decisions are still old school phama. They think a meeting like that is motivational and keeping spirits and morale up. Also, a number of people have to justify their jobs.

Last poster hit the nail on the head. No one can give up the old pharma model. Having meetings that accomplish absolutely nothing. Not trying to be negative. It's about management checking off a box. This will never happen but pharma needs to eliminate all those who have been in pharma for over a decade and understand what's going on out there. These people do understand but are afraid to go against the tide. This and every meeting could be done in one full day. Start at 7am and end by 3pm. People lose focus after certain amount of learning.

Like this.

Don't worry. You own the numbers and I see you take pride in in them. We let you own the Xarelto numbers, thats two drugs owned by ofice reps are 50%. My bonus 35k Q4 and 12k Q1. Stocked at all hospital. I had to get a few buy-ins for Q1 since y'all can't move shit om outpatient and none moving inpatient.

Last poster hit the nail on the head. No one can give up the old pharma model. Having meetings that accomplish absolutely nothing. Not trying to be negative. It's about management checking off a box. This will never happen but pharma needs to eliminate all those who have been in pharma for over a decade and understand what's going on out there. These people do understand but are afraid to go against the tide. This and every meeting could be done in one full day. Start at 7am and end by 3pm. People lose focus after certain amount of learning.

Do you want to know what "old school" meetings were really like? I'm talking 30-35 years ago, when I first started in the business. We had a one day district meeting every 2-3 months. They were usually scheduled at the beginning of the year. The meeting would start at 9 AM, so those of us who didn't have to drive far would get there a little early and have breakfast (on our own dime). 12-1 we'd have lunch, and sometimes the manager would put a limit on how much we could spend (I remember a manager flipping out when a tenured rep ordered a shrimp cocktail). By 4:30 we would be finished and bring in the booze from the manager's trunk. By 5:30 we were headed home. And during those 6-7 hours of actual meeting we would accomplish more than I have seen get done in most of today's 3 day meetings. Oh, yeah, we also wore suits and ties to meetings back in those days.

I think the majority of reps would prefer 1 day of meetings with a strict agenda. None of this wasting money and time doing nothing. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over again expecting to get new results. This is true of every pharma co. That's how everyone was trained. A person doesn't need to go to MIT or Wharton to understand that this business model is so outdated. No one will speak up because they will be ostracized from the club. When your position is eliminated and all the "upper" management people have already found jobs within the company you'll understand why no one says anything. Job security.

I think the majority of reps would prefer 1 day of meetings with a strict agenda. None of this wasting money and time doing nothing. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over again expecting to get new results. This is true of every pharma co. That's how everyone was trained. A person doesn't need to go to MIT or Wharton to understand that this business model is so outdated. No one will speak up because they will be ostracized from the club. When your position is eliminated and all the "upper" management people have already found jobs within the company you'll understand why no one says anything. Job security.

ha-ha this putz thinks he has the answer-well NO onion breath you will play by our rules or you can go back to Olive Garden and hand out bread sticks