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Orlando CV launch meeting December 20th, 2022


Hotel announcement!

Attention music lovers!

All-Star Music is a Disney Value Resort themed around some of the most popular music genres: rock ‘n’ roll, jazz, country, Broadway show tunes, and calypso.

Get to know your team so roommates are required during our kickstarter launch week!

Please tell me the dates so we can all scramble and adjust our lives with less than 30 days notice

what is the policy on booking a solo room to avoid a roommate . I’d rather pay out of pocket

Please tell me the dates so we can all scramble and adjust our lives with less than 30 days notice

what is the policy on booking a solo room to avoid a roommate . I’d rather pay out of pocket
Needless to say, unallowed. The cruelty is by design and the whole poin. Management refers to this particular flex as, "pushing [people] out."

Lay off a shitload of good people and now have a national meeting (waste of money) in Orlando. Not a good look. The credo is dead and buried. Who is the idiot that thought this was a good idea?

Hey idiots in upper management. Get ready for lawsuits from the folks that come down with Covid because you made them sit in crowded meeting rooms for a fucking week. The absolute height of stupidity.

It is idiotic to to have a National Meeting the week prior to Christmas. I am sure that they got some deal on that hotel. If you are motivated by the meeting (which you will not be) you will surely lose that momentum by the new year. Leadership at this company is all about them and checking the box so they can come back in January and tell their leaders what a wonderful meeting it was. And then when the results don't pan out in 2023 you know who will get the blame.

It is idiotic to to have a National Meeting the week prior to Christmas. I am sure that they got some deal on that hotel. If you are motivated by the meeting (which you will not be) you will surely lose that momentum by the new year. Leadership at this company is all about them and checking the box so they can come back in January and tell their leaders what a wonderful meeting it was. And then when the results don't pan out in 2023 you know who will get the blame.
Umm…it’s January 30-Feb 2. Try to keep up.

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