Orlando Costume ideas

OH yeah we are going to win the costume contest. We kick ass every year with this shit

Such lame crap playing dress up. Total waste of time and not motivating as they would like to believe. We should be flying home Thursday night, not pretending we’re enjoying the cultural bonding experience.

Such lame crap playing dress up. Total waste of time and not motivating as they would like to believe. We should be flying home Thursday night, not pretending we’re enjoying the cultural bonding experience.

We should be flying home Thursday night? How about Tuesday night? There's nothing here we haven't heard before, nothing here we haven't been doing. Let the costume party begin! You are right-it is lame crap.

God I get so sick of this shit

Costume idea-rep tethered to a ball and chain?

Lets partaaayyyyy!!!!

As stunning as our stock down 30% since March. I fully anticipate that after Wall Street sees our custome party attire then stock will bounce back with our committment to excellence. Bring it!!!

What an awful waste of time and money. Yes head should/would roll if board members were here to see this waste.

PW: you've got to be kidding? More cosmetic work? Gained much weight? You can sure tell you came from primary care

HR: please stop with the workout accomplishments you think we need to hear. You dont look like you work out

All marketing teams: stay home. Waste of time. Zero content. Bad jokes. Poor attire

MM: lets put on some makeup please.

What a colossal waste.
