Organon fate sealed by Hans Vemer


Vemer as the CMO was weak, failed as the president of Organon USA and killed the company as CEO. Wilderbeek tried to salvage the company and got close to success, but the damage done by Vemer was too big. Akzo lost the appetite on false promises from Vemer. He handed the prey to SP and was the first to claim an office back in Roseland after being sacked a few years before. An absolute loser was allowed to play with the Organon gem. So many people suffered from his mismanagement and he does not even know how malicious and maniacal he is. The Netherlands lost their only pharma knowledge center because a the actions of a single delusional fool dressed up as Sinterklaas.

I don't know who is to blame, the only thing I know is that I lost the best job that I ever had due to the sale of Organon to Schering Plough. Schering Plough were brutal in their take-over with little regard to the Organon employees. It was justice well served when Schering Plough got taken over by MSD and some of those who were brutal ended up on the scrap heap. What goes around, comes around !!!!!!

Schering-Plough was a second rate company with really poor field management The transition was a joke. They were not in the same league as Organon. Vemer had nothing to do with the sale of Organon. Holland called the shots on that one.

Akzo Nobel lost their appetite in Organon after the false promises and mismanagement by Vemer. His successor Wilderbeek tried to right the ship and he almost did with a successful IPO. Akzo sold Organon through the back-door and took the money to buy a paint factory. Vemer did not decide on it but he created the mess that led to it.

And how much money did the loser Akzo make off the paint factory they bought? MRK is still making $600 Million off Nuva Ring, several hundred million of Bridion outside US hundreds of millions in fertility drugs. There are tiny startups with no cash revenue that sell for more than Akzo got for Organon. Akzo board sold the crown jewel of company for a garage sales price. H Veyers and board poor business men for sure.