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O'Reilly Just Blasted Gingrich and Romney


Bill O the clown must really have his panties in a wad, to come and blast both of the so-called "front-runners".
At least he is honest enough to say that both of these turds will say anything to appease the very stupid hicks they are addressing. The amazing thing is, the hicks are only buying some of the crap, which is why Ron Paul is gaining in the polls, although Bill O doesn't like him either because of foreign policy, and we all know Bill O is a chickenhawk and armchair warrior.



Bill O the clown must really have his panties in a wad, to come and blast both of the so-called "front-runners".
At least he is honest enough to say that both of these turds will say anything to appease the very stupid hicks they are addressing. The amazing thing is, the hicks are only buying some of the crap, which is why Ron Paul is gaining in the polls, although Bill O doesn't like him either because of foreign policy, and we all know Bill O is a chickenhawk and armchair warrior.


Between Media Matters and Rawstory, isn't your head exploding? If not, why not?

It may be quite awhile til I come out of shock on this one. Somebody help me, did she just diss Bill O'Oily?

I used to get called every varietal of Libbie imaginable for saying anything like that.

It may be quite awhile til I come out of shock on this one. Somebody help me, did she just diss Bill O'Oily?

I used to get called every varietal of Libbie imaginable for saying anything like that.

it shouldn't be any surprise. He's a shade better than Limbaugh but not by much. Both are blow hards. This isn't the first time I've said it either.

it shouldn't be any surprise. He's a shade better than Limbaugh but not by much. Both are blow hards. This isn't the first time I've said it either.

I too find O'Reilly to be irritating. He is almost as bad as Keith Olberman.

I do think, however, that FOX commentators might have been ordered by Murdoch to support Romney, regardless of which candidate they really support.

O'Reilly is a showman. His objective is to keep making money.

Bill O the clown must really have his panties in a wad, to come and blast both of the so-called "front-runners".
At least he is honest enough to say that both of these turds will say anything to appease the very stupid hicks they are addressing. The amazing thing is, the hicks are only buying some of the crap, which is why Ron Paul is gaining in the polls, although Bill O doesn't like him either because of foreign policy, and we all know Bill O is a chickenhawk and armchair warrior.


What you libtards don't get about bill is that he is not a republican, but is very much not into letting anyone on his program "spin" and get away with it. Most of the time the people who tend to spin somehow tend to be libtards.

What you libtards don't get about bill is that he is not a republican, but is very much not into letting anyone on his program "spin" and get away with it. Most of the time the people who tend to spin somehow tend to be libtards.

So he's not a Republican and he certainly can't be a 'true independent' (cause he dissed 2 Republicans therefore doesn't represent America's core values (LOL) - we give up Dr Science - what the fuck is he? Why, he must be a Libbie!

Let's axe BOMF.... :cool:

Bill O the clown must really have his panties in a wad, to come and blast both of the so-called "front-runners".
At least he is honest enough to say that both of these turds will say anything to appease the very stupid hicks they are addressing. The amazing thing is, the hicks are only buying some of the crap, which is why Ron Paul is gaining in the polls, although Bill O doesn't like him either because of foreign policy, and we all know Bill O is a chickenhawk and armchair warrior.


1. I do not trust the narrative given by the democrat smear machine. Note that the inkbto the video was deleted from the post. Now far be it for me to suggest that someone would stoop so low as to delete the link, but I remind you who the OP is.
2. As Big Ears said when he took opposite positions in two campaign speeches: "it's only politics".

Bill O the clown must really have his panties in a wad, to come and blast both of the so-called "front-runners".
At least he is honest enough to say that both of these turds will say anything to appease the very stupid hicks they are addressing. The amazing thing is, the hicks are only buying some of the crap, which is why Ron Paul is gaining in the polls, although Bill O doesn't like him either because of foreign policy, and we all know Bill O is a chickenhawk and armchair warrior.


1. I do not trust the narrative given by the democrat smear machine. Note that the link to the video was deleted from the post. Now far be it for me to suggest that someone would stoop so low as to delete the link, but I remind you who the OP is.
2. As Big Ears said when he took opposite positions in two campaign speeches: "it's only politics".
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