

I listened to RP conf call today. Thank goodness we have coupons or no one would fill a prescription

He said we'd have 65% coverage for Medicare by july 1 (yeah, sure)

Didn't that lady from managed care guarantee 90% by July????

What happened to that thread about finally getting rid of her?

I listened to RP conf call today. Thank goodness we have coupons or no one would fill a prescription

He said we'd have 65% coverage for Medicare by july 1 (yeah, sure)

Didn't that lady from managed care guarantee 90% by July????

What happened to that thread about finally getting rid of her?

Elementary my boy, she had the thread pulled once her name was divulged in full.

Wait another month and it will go from 65% to 45%. Watch.

Wait a second.

If the VP of managed markets commits to 90% coverage on Medicare, and we aren't even close, why is she still around?

We are so tied to scripts in our terriroies, why isn't she help responsible for what she commits to?

You can't hold reps hostage to numbers and not VPs

Where the hell is Medicare coverage for this stupid product that we were promised?

My docs keep telling me that the thrush that they see is with their older patiants

How 'bout that fat lady in managed care explaining what's up