OR Based Job Vs Capital Equipment


Currently working in the OR as an associate rep selling hernia and breast recon products... (taking home 65k with phone, gas, car, etc all paid, goes up to 85k once I hit the two year mark). But I see the writing on the wall and honestly want out of the OR and don’t wanna chase cases my whole life and whine over nickel and dimes on mesh prices with OR/Materials Managers .... especially with how everything is being sold on contracts now anyways instead of surgeon preference...so after some research on here and other boards.... I’m considering a move to a lower-end capital equipment gig. I’m 24, 1.5 years of B2B and 1.5 working my ass off as an associate rep with my current company with top rankings.

Thoughts? Looking for 1) QOL is most important to me which is why I’m wanting out of the OR 2)125-200k


Smart Young Buck. Mesh market ,especially in the ADM recon space is dirty and crowded. Check out where the growth is IE ASC centers . SPD and Infection control. High growth areas and incredible changes finally taking place with technology .