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Optics of Chicago DM situation!


Basic culture communications....come on SL & TN....no harm in giving it 10-14 days...until Chris's body is at least cool....to bring in yet another NUBU sycophant....I'm sitting here getting ready for district time watching everything unfold and it's just a bad decision....people get fired, I get that....but you couldn't wait to get us a new DM even a few days?...SM...you are a pussy...at least let us leave by 11:45....

Basic culture communications....come on SL & TN....no harm in giving it 10-14 days...until Chris's body is at least cool....to bring in yet another NUBU sycophant....I'm sitting here getting ready for district time watching everything unfold and it's just a bad decision....people get fired, I get that....but you couldn't wait to get us a new DM even a few days?...SM...you are a pussy...at least let us leave by 11:45....
A lot of public school in this post

We were talking about it during break and the word is that Boston,Philly and Houston will also be filled with NUBUs. And yeah, I barely made in out of Juvie in time to get my GED.

Targeted and fired.

Wait until legal looks into spending, sign in sheets, etc and sees it runs much deeper and actually happens with NUBU managers as well.

No rest until all Celgene free thinkers are gone.

Celgene who have converted to the Emoji club are safe for now.

All Wrong! Philly and Boston will be filled with Amgen believers once a few can be talked into working with a drunk.
Houston will be filled with a home office, never before in sales, robot.
I also heard that NYC is open. No way anyone takes that gig. Will also be an outside swindle.

Pretty simple as I see it.

DD wanted a budget because of failing numbers

TN didn’t want to be the one who enacted the budget due to fear of having more people dislike her leadership and culture

find the people who spend the most money

dig into rep’s expenses and find something not perfect

fire the leader. Easy because he’s celgene.

enact budgets to “keep people safe”

hire a NUBU drone In 3 days To save the day.

Best of luck Chicago. the shield CB provided is gone. You’re now just like the rest of us.

Pretty simple as I see it.

DD wanted a budget because of failing numbers

TN didn’t want to be the one who enacted the budget due to fear of having more people dislike her leadership and culture

find the people who spend the most money

dig into rep’s expenses and find something not perfect

fire the leader. Easy because he’s celgene.

enact budgets to “keep people safe”

hire a NUBU drone In 3 days To save the day.

Best of luck Chicago. the shield CB provided is gone. You’re now just like the rest of us.
Most of us are going to leave now that CB is gone. We now the RSD will sell his mother to save his skin. Sickening how much suck up he does above him. We really are on our own. I just wish he would stop using the word intentional. Now our drone DM is using it.

Most of us are going to leave now that CB is gone. We now the RSD will sell his mother to save his skin. Sickening how much suck up he does above him. We really are on our own. I just wish he would stop using the word intentional. Now our drone DM is using it.
Can’t really blame him. If you question the system, the process or its focus you will end up like the Chicago DM.

If you don’t assimilate to the busy work, the acronyms, the rah rah conference calls and meetings you will end up like the Chicago DM.

See the pattern. After all, the only productivity that matters is the stuff to fill your ACT book with. Numbers don’t count.