Oprah on Provenge


Decades ago cancer immunotherapy was considered by some to be voodoo medicine. "Initial studies were not very effective, and many doctors thought it was a lot of hype with very few results," says James Gulley, MD, PhD, director of the clinical immunotherapy group at the National Cancer Institute (NCI). All that began to change in 2010, when the FDA approved the cancer vaccine Provenge to treat metastatic prostate cancer. The results from the clinical trials on Provenge were remarkable, giving patients an extra four months, on average, to live. And they didn't just live longer; they felt better, too. The findings were early proof that the body's own immune system could be a powerful weapon against cancer. Today potentially more effective and longer-lasting vaccine immunotherapies are being tested in more than 600 clinical trials as treatments for many of the deadliest cancers, including those of the ovaries, lungs, and breast.

Read more: http://www.oprah.com/health/Provenge-Cancer-Vaccine/1#ixzz2cdbIc500

Word is spreading big time.

The fact that the word is spreading is definetly good news. Being a trailblazer is never easy, and this company has made it harder on its self without a doubt. Could things been done differently? Absolutely. I'm pretty sure no one would consider this a successful launch, but the therapy is a success and results may prove to be even better than imagined. I'm sure there will always be skeptics and haters for what has transcribed, right up until someone they love is diagnosed.
I for one, am very happy they opened a new door.

There are not too many people who speak against Provenge. This is a Dendreon board for salespeople, so most of the talk here is about the lack of potential for Dendreon with its business model, COGS, and just one drug. A company can have all kinds of revenues but not make a dime of income. Provenge might go on to great success over the long term but it won't be with Dendreon and its balance sheet and inept board and mgmt. All in my opinion.

Did you see the comment from the relative of a Provenge patient at the bottom of Oprah's article? You can not ask for better PR than this:


Posted: Wed 8/21/2013 4:49 PM

My uncle received Provenge, the prostate cancer vaccine, two years ago and our doctors are convinced the treatment has saved my uncle's life. Our doctors say the earlier you receive Provenge the better it works. The treatment is so easy to receive and involves 3 blood draws and 3 infusions in to total over the course of roughly four to six weeks and the treatment is completed. The cancer patient's immune systems keeps fighting the cancer for years after the treatment is completed. Receiving Provenge is so much easier than popping pills everyday or receiving chemotherapy, both of which carry terrible side effects. There generally are no side effects from Provenge other than a few patients receiving flu like symptoms for a few hours. If you have advanced prostate cancer I would demand Provenge from your doctor and if he does not offer the treatment I would find one that does. It truly is an amazing treatment and medical breakthrough."
