Opioid Addiction


I have been struggling right along with my fellow Americans with a serious opioid addiction. Zoll has decent benefits and I never have to get out of bed til the crack of 10am. Say what you will about this company (agreed I'm just making my base at this point) but where else could I have done this for four years and maintained a serious drug habit? For that, I'm thankful!

I have been struggling right along with my fellow Americans with a serious opioid addiction. Zoll has decent benefits and I never have to get out of bed til the crack of 10am. Say what you will about this company (agreed I'm just making my base at this point) but where else could I have done this for four years and maintained a serious drug habit? For that, I'm thankful!

Hello Brother in Arms. I am also an addict but Candy has always been my poison. I'm living in squalor (on my base) but I haven't worked before noon for two years so I guess it is what it is. Zoll - can you start a program for people like us? I think we account for 40-50 percent of your sales force. Let us know. Godspeed

I'm glad someone has spoken up regarding this epidemic. I've been chasing the dragon for the past 2 years. It's been a painful experience for myself and my family but that $75K and the benefits have kept my family afloat. It's not a lot of fun to have your daughter wake you up passed out in the kitchen as you lay in a pool of your own vomit but Zoll has stood behind me.

I'm glad someone has spoken up regarding this epidemic. I've been chasing the dragon for the past 2 years. It's been a painful experience for myself and my family but that $75K and the benefits have kept my family afloat. It's not a lot of fun to have your daughter wake you up passed out in the kitchen as you lay in a pool of your own vomit but Zoll has stood behind me.

God bless ZOLL