
Er, have you actually read any of the threads here? The general consensus is that this is a company that is:

1) Known for actively lying to employees
2) Operating without ethics or morals
3) Upside down in debt
4) Actively being stripped down in order to look more profitable to potential buyers
5) Managed by incompetent buffoons

So, if that's the kind of pack you want to run with, jump in! Or, if you just need to collect a check until you find something better (which is what most folks are doing here), then come on board!

The company is going through some changes. Much improvement has been made the last six months. Prior to that company ran afoul. Employees took advantage and are partly to blame. Some are still here. They need to leave. I'm not sure what happened in the Boston area.

Employees took advantage and are partly to blame. Some are still here.

OK, I'm game, so let's play...

Why do you believe the employees "took advantage" and are "partly to blame"?

I know the truth and will DESTROY you. Give me your best shot. I DARE you to respond with a single, material, example to back your claim. For every example of yours, I'll supply an even more damming example of how leadership is SOLELY to blame for this companies failure.

The company is going through some changes. Much improvement has been made the last six months. Prior to that company ran afoul. Employees took advantage and are partly to blame. Some are still here. They need to leave. I'm not sure what happened in the Boston area.
Judging by your post, you must have been part of the problem so when are you leaving?

Ah yes, resorting to name calling... I'm glad leadership weeded out folks like you.

That wasn't name calling, it was stating the truth. And yes, good thing "leadership" weeded out those kind of folks... Having honest people with brains around tends to scare "leadership". They like their staff dumb, blind, cheap, and expendable.

So, which are you?

Let me get this straight.. The employees are responsible ESOP, failing to get "in network", POC adoption, EO losing 9MM, EX not noticing loss of 9MM, bad forecasting, paying huge sums of money for public policy, not listening to clients needs, hoping revenue model was ending, and spending money like we had it. Doesn't seem like the rank n file people had anything to do with it.

the only company where the reps were never to blame was randox. here is a company that employs country bumpkin lackeys that think because they have attitudes and flimsy degrees from weak educational institutions they have the market cornered. please, place is the worst, all would do well to stay as far away from this place as possible, explain to your lab customers that using any randox product is not advised and coach them on the benefits of being standardized with bio rad products.