

desperate former rep here, downsized from big Pharma, no more UI left,

saw some openings on your home page, should I apply or will I regret it? (greater New England area)

Willing to move if necessary

Sure, welcome, it sure beats unemployment. Now, once in, start looking for a more serious job, in the meantime use the company car, benefits, $2,000/month budget (you can pocket most of it).

desperate former rep here, downsized from big Pharma, no more UI left,

saw some openings on your home page, should I apply or will I regret it? (greater New England area)

Willing to move if necessary

i will tell you this, it hurts your resume to have Kowa on it. i am finding that out now. if you take it, pretty much kiss NJ pharma good bye.

I took a position there after I was layed off and it was a very positive experience. There are alot of nice, real people that work there. The pay is probably lower than you are used to but it sure beats unemployment. Also, if you can sell Livalo or Lipofen then you will be able to sell anything.. much more difficult than big pharma with all the DTC. But..if you think you can hustle then you will do well. Eventually another company sought me out and offered me $$/position similar to what I was making/doing before so had to leave. However, I am very glad I took a job there.

I took a position there after I was layed off and it was a very positive experience. There are alot of nice, real people that work there. The pay is probably lower than you are used to but it sure beats unemployment. Also, if you can sell Livalo or Lipofen then you will be able to sell anything.. much more difficult than big pharma with all the DTC. But..if you think you can hustle then you will do well. Eventually another company sought me out and offered me $$/position similar to what I was making/doing before so had to leave. However, I am very glad I took a job there.

Are you kidding me . . . "a very positive experience" and Kowa Pharma have never been used in the same sentence before and should never be used again. I will agree that there are some really nice people working here that are just hoping for the next big thing - 'cause it ain't gonna happen here. Do like me and only take this for the paycheck and benefits - suck that teet for as long as you can until you find something better. You will find that is a resounding theme on this company board. Good luck . . . and choose wisely!

compared to being on the gov't dole and losing my mind while unemployed.. yes, it was a very positive experience. To the original poster, swallow your pride and take what you can get. Oh, and work hard when you get there. This negative poster will find it difficult to get a new position with his/her winning attitude and no doubt awesome sales efforts.

compared to being on the gov't dole and losing my mind while unemployed.. yes, it was a very positive experience. To the original poster, swallow your pride and take what you can get. Oh, and work hard when you get there. This negative poster will find it difficult to get a new position with his/her winning attitude and no doubt awesome sales efforts.

OOOOuch! You really pegged me, you dope. Sounds like you know first hand what it's like to "be on the gov't dole" and I agree you probably lost your mind. My "awesome sales efforts" in the past have allowed me to surpass 6 figures for more than a dozen years - - until now (Kowa). How's your W2 look for last year? Even before the powers that be took away 60% of our bonus I seriously doubt you were anywhere near 6 figures. But you continue to work hard and see what happens. Maybe your winning attitude will take you places, sunshine.
Love -
Negative Poster.

I left Kowa and am making above 6 figures again. Just pointing out your negative attitude is clouding your outlook on your current situation and any that may come along. Buck up, sell some livalo and lipofen and stop whining. Or, you will stay at Kowa until they dump your a$$ too. Then where will you go?