Openings........why are there so many in the BHBU?


So, I just looked at all the current openings on the website. Since we no longer get the report that has everyone's numbers, you truly don't know whose still here and who left. Before we could see how many territories were listed as open but now the only way to hear is word of mouth or looking to see what openings we have. Why are there so many on the east coast? VA, NC, PA, what's going on Are people resigning or getting let go?

Because than we have no ammunition for attorneys showing that the majority of the sales force has not met goal. A good argument when it comes to annual reviews, performance plans, raises etc Seems like a good sign something is brewing.

Remember, the sales force was structured to support the prevention and treatment claim...not high risk who cannot take or have failed other treatment options. You can only squeeze so much blood out of a turnip. People leave because it's not what we signed on for, and some east coast managers are just plain nuts.