Open territories - to anyone interviewing rethink that


Reasons NOT to interview or accept a position with Mallinckrodt:
1. They have a solid history of laying off people and recently laid off over 100 a month ago
2. They made these same reps purchase cars just a month or two before they knew they were letting them go.
3. Your hiring manager probably has no management experience. They are backfilling these positions with unqualified candidates
4. Mallinckrodt tripled the price of the product you will be selling so you will be treated poorly with backlash from physicians, pharmacy, and other healthcare providers
5. Upper management does not care about you. Mallinckrodt has the lowest employee job satisfaction rating in the entire industry.
6. Mallinckrodt has never had a hospital sales force before and they don't know how to treat their employees well.
7. You don't have a protected territory at all. So if you do manage to grow your business be prepared for them to take it away at any moment.
8. Their bonus program is a complete fabrication. Don't believe anything they tell you.
9. The leaders heading this organization are a bunch of egocentric bastards that are only out for themselves.
10. Research the company. They are claim to be based in "Dublin, Ireland". You will figure out on your own why they do this.
11. If your thoughts are about growing with this company, think again. Do you really want to live in St. Louis?
12. The car reimbursement program stinks and you will be lucky to break even.
13. The insurance really stinks and is expensive.
14. The company paid holidays are one of the smallest in the industry. They don't like it here when you take time off.
15. The meetings are poorly done. Cheap food. Cheap accommodations.
16. The company if full of backstabbing so you will be keeping a whole lot of enemies close.
17. Trust no one, especially your manager.
18. Your current product's business is decreasing in sales. We are expecting another price increase in another attempt for Mallinckrodt to full the outside world that they are profitable
19. Do yourself a favor and call each of your phar,any departments and ask them their thoughts about the drug. Very enlightening.
20. You have to take their phone and conduct all calls and emails on it or your phone will be ceased and audited.
21. Most of the managers (unless they are brand new unqualified hiree's) are looking for new jobs
22. At least 85% of the sales force are looking for new jobs
23. Our VP of sales quit last year because this is a dead end job
24. The new VP of sales is a complete "yes" man
25. The marketing department stinks. They never take initiative and actually create things that are useful.
26. The national KOL's are greedy to the point of embarrassment
27. The new products they are looking at really stink
28. If you have an option, keep it to yourself as it will come back and bite you in the ass
29. You will be miserable everyday. The company is now labelled as one of the $ greediest $ and money grubbing companies in the industry. The bad thing is that reputation will rub on you. So if you have good relationships now and a reputation of integrity, it's worth staying on unemployment and finding a better opportunity.
30. Most advancement here has nothing to do with skills or accomplishment. It's who you know.
31. Computer/tech support is worst in the industry. Outside of normal business hours you can pretty much forget it.
32. Your computer is really antiquated.
33. The meetings are horrible. Look to do team building activities that are nothing but frustrating
34. If your not a good actress/actor and can pretend you love your job then do not think about coming here.
35. You will wake up everyday hating this job.

100% true

They change the comp plan every quarter

Laid off 110 in June, still don't have Cobra paperwork, been calling to request and they tell me it's on the way.

Cobra cost is $1200/mth

In separation agreement it stated "both parties agreed to terminate contract". I never agreed, I was told I was fired. Also told that I have to sign unless I wouldn't be eligible for severance.

Did not comply with "Warn" notice. Must give 60days notice if laying off more then 50 people, NO notice given.

They gave $3500 (2200 after tax) pre tax dollar to off set cost for those people that bought cars.

Our business leader,SC, was promoted while 110 people in her sales force were laid off

1- My COBRA was almost $1500/month--two people.

2- They fabricate information on Rank Report. Put who they want at the top, no matter the numbers.

3- Comp plan, at the time of payout, is never what it was announced to be.

4- Managed care negotiations are among the worst in the industry; never good coverage.

5- Goals are usually not announced until about half way through the quarter.

6- Target lists are a total joke. Correct an ancient list this quarter, get the same list again next quarter.

7- Products are the worst ever.

Interviewed for Renal position in Houston. Nice enough until the jealous manager DEE ANNA felt threatened that I was younger and prettier though had 10 years renal experience. Found out another new rep she hired 3 months ago in another open territory was"fired" from J&J- coun't make it in Academics and had ZERO renal experience. What a miserable and untruthful experience from both the manager, rep and recruiter. B.S. out of FL.

Interviewed for Renal position in Houston. Nice enough until the jealous manager DEE ANNA felt threatened that I was younger and prettier though had 10 years renal experience. Found out another new rep she hired 3 months ago in another open territory was"fired" from J&J- coun't make it in Academics and had ZERO renal experience. What a miserable and untruthful experience from both the manager, rep and recruiter. B.S. out of FL.

Your example unfortunately sounds all too common. Managers don't hire reps that are more qualified themselves as they feel threatened and know the rep will eventually overshadow them. That's why there should always be at least another manager involved. But be happy things happen for a reason. Taking this job would have been the worst mistake in your career. The manager was clearly threatened by you.

I'm glad someone posted this. Please think about what you're doing if you start the process of interviewing here. Seek out existing employees who opefully will tell you the truth about this company. Take the time to reach out to key physicians and people from your hospitals and get the real story. You won't like what you'll hear. Pass on this and find something better. I personally can't wait to get out of here. If I were to call up all my coworkers on the phone, they would each say they hate working here.

Honestly, while I love your post, OP, MNK does not have a solid lay off history.

Since the branded pharma division was created in 2001, the first layoff was August 2014. And guess who was on board for the first one? MT, HO, and SC.

And why? Because no one bothered to see if XXR had legs in this anti-narcotic environment, and no one had the balls to pull the plug on it sooner.

Honestly, while I love your post, OP, MNK does not have a solid lay off history.

Since the branded pharma division was created in 2001, the first layoff was August 2014. And guess who was on board for the first one? MT, HO, and SC.

And why? Because no one bothered to see if XXR had legs in this anti-narcotic environment, and no one had the balls to pull the plug on it sooner.

The reason for that is MNK doesn't have a solid history of sales forces.