Open Sales Opportunity

The sales reps that sold that BS to the doctors will be hard pressed to show their faces in those accounts again when they go to work for another lab.

Nice credibility you stamped on your future!

Friends don't let friends work at PBS- I wouldn't wish that torture on my worst enemy. 5 conference calls a week- demanding to know why numbers are flat.... Well TR, SS,maybe it has something to do with only being able to spend 4days a week in the field because of all the bullshit calls we have to be on, and those calls lasting hours bc of all your bullshit talking to hear yourselves talk. Want to know why there are never any questions when you talk? Because we are all praying you shut up so we don't have to listen to your bullshit any longer!
Meanwhile CP justifies his job by having calls to talk about calls- meetings to plan for meetings. What DO you do CP??? Oh wait he has to go interview constantly since people are dropping like flies! Philly rep was there 2 months- is that a new record for PBS? He caught on quick to what PBS is all about- sounds like he doesn't like to eat the shit they serve at PBS.
Who wants to bet on how many reps leave this year? I give it until Q2 until more reps wake up and realize that the "exciting opportunity at PBS" is a farse and hit the road. My bet is we lose at least 3 more, and that doesn't count the reps who will get canned for "not meeting performance expectations".
Another year of failed expectations, constant comp changes so they can avoid paying anyone, and more layoffs/revamping sales force. Welcome to PBS 2012!

I received an offer from PBS after speaking with all of your managers (why do you have so many?) and the guy from the South. They are pretty much begging me to join your organization. This desperation creeps me out and I get a weird vibe. Why won't they let me speak with any other reps? Could you please post up some names from your salesforce so I can reach out to them? I would prefer a mix of senior reps and new-hires.

I received an offer from PBS after speaking with all of your managers (why do you have so many?) and the guy from the South. They are pretty much begging me to join your organization. This desperation creeps me out and I get a weird vibe. Why won't they let me speak with any other reps? Could you please post up some names from your salesforce so I can reach out to them? I would prefer a mix of senior reps and new-hires.

There are reasons they don't want you to talk with anyother rep except "the guy from the south".

Yes, there's a reason they won't have you speak with any reps. Do they even have any reps that could be considered senior any more? I would only take the job if I were on my last crumb of food in the cupboard, desperate and had no other prospects.