Open Letter to Kip...


So far the "transformation" you are leading is headed for disaster unless you can motivate the sales force and give us a reason to fight. Moral is at an all time low due to your lack of transparency throughout this entire head count reduction. Call it what it is and don't sugar coat it.

I am a bit confused by this whole securestrap and prineo change. Did they tell our managers to let us know as a FYI? Why not put it in an email and let everyone know. People are about to have to repay a TON of money for the entire year they have been selling these products. There was a HUGE emphasis put on Prineo all year long and this is how you repay us( or we repay you)
Are they wanting people to get pissed off and quit before they can formally announce it? What about the people that decided a week ago to leave? They don't have to pay back....such bs all around. I cannot believe they are doing this to people who worked hard selling that crap ass product all year.

So far the "transformation" you are leading is headed for disaster unless you can motivate the sales force and give us a reason to fight. Moral is at an all time low due to your lack of transparency throughout this entire head count reduction. Call it what it is and don't sugar coat it.

I appreciate the effort however you are pissing into a fan by posting this here. Want it to matter? Email the entire company across all business units. However pack up before you do so. Good luck

If you guys think that Kip is going to provide any real detail, you are in for a surprise. On the energy side, he was full of buzzwords and very little substance. My favorite quotes from him were, he is "in it to win it" and he is here(energy side of business) "for the long haul" because "energy is the place to be...." He repeated those time and time again.

As soon as the VP role for your side opened up, he jumped and never looked back. Make no mistake, I was never under the impression that he was really looking out for us so I'm not surprised by his move.

For those of you who are on the EES side and are familiar with the leadership of FW, Kip is a similar clone. Lots of buzzwords but don't expect much else.

If you guys think that Kip is going to provide any real detail, you are in for a surprise. On the energy side, he was full of buzzwords and very little substance. My favorite quotes from him were, he is "in it to win it" and he is here(energy side of business) "for the long haul" because "energy is the place to be...." He repeated those time and time again.

As soon as the VP role for your side opened up, he jumped and never looked back. Make no mistake, I was never under the impression that he was really looking out for us so I'm not surprised by his move.

For those of you who are on the EES side and are familiar with the leadership of FW, Kip is a similar clone. Lots of buzzwords but don't expect much else.

Im from EP and couldn't be more disappointed with his condescending and artificial facade. He's a cheesy little man who has no respect for the Credo. He came in and is destroying morale. I'm all for change- but not at this price. I've never seen him in person, but my guess is he has a classic Napolean complex. I'm looking for a new job. I don't want to be a part of his destructive ways. He has no regard for reps. He thinks he can come in and take commissions away after they were earned and paid? And then think the good reps will stick around? I'm out.

Im from EP and couldn't be more disappointed with his condescending and artificial facade. He's a cheesy little man who has no respect for the Credo. He came in and is destroying morale. I'm all for change- but not at this price. I've never seen him in person, but my guess is he has a classic Napolean complex. I'm looking for a new job. I don't want to be a part of his destructive ways. He has no regard for reps. He thinks he can come in and take commissions away after they were earned and paid? And then think the good reps will stick around? I'm out.

I am also with EP. My first reaction to taking earned commissions away from EP and EP only is that everyone from EP is going to be let go, so why pay them? VERY CREDO.
Regardless, everyone in the new ESC (Escape!) should realize a written comp plan now means nothing. Any amount of trust between the reps and management has been destroyed.

If you guys think that Kip is going to provide any real detail, you are in for a surprise. On the energy side, he was full of buzzwords and very little substance. My favorite quotes from him were, he is "in it to win it" and he is here(energy side of business) "for the long haul" because "energy is the place to be...." He repeated those time and time again.

As soon as the VP role for your side opened up, he jumped and never looked back. Make no mistake, I was never under the impression that he was really looking out for us so I'm not surprised by his move.

For those of you who are on the EES side and are familiar with the leadership of FW, Kip is a similar clone. Lots of buzzwords but don't expect much else.

I have worked for J&J for 11 years. Kip is your out of the box ready-made senior manager that was churned out of the J&J machine. If you want to climb the ladder one must fit within the box here at J&J and do not deviate. As a result of the machine you get the same type of management at all the J&J OpCos. Dry, boring and not willing to take calculated risks.


I have worked for J&J for 11 years. Kip is your out of the box ready-made senior manager that was churned out of the J&J machine. If you want to climb the ladder one must fit within the box here at J&J and do not deviate. As a result of the machine you get the same type of management at all the J&J OpCos. Dry, boring and not willing to take calculated risks.


Ding ding ding! What do we have for him Johnny! The above paragraph epitomizes jnj management across all op companies.

Im from EP and couldn't be more disappointed with his condescending and artificial facade. He's a cheesy little man who has no respect for the Credo. He came in and is destroying morale. I'm all for change- but not at this price. I've never seen him in person, but my guess is he has a classic Napolean complex. I'm looking for a new job. I don't want to be a part of his destructive ways. He has no regard for reps. He thinks he can come in and take commissions away after they were earned and paid? And then think the good reps will stick around? I'm out.

Yeah, I want out too. I am looking and interviewing. The first decent job that gets offered to me, I am taking it. ANY PLACE is better than here. I can go back and be a pharma rep and make $120k. What a joke this place is. Bigger territory, more products and less pay. That is the J&J way!! NO THANKS!

If you guys think that Kip is going to provide any real detail, you are in for a surprise. On the energy side, he was full of buzzwords and very little substance. My favorite quotes from him were, he is "in it to win it" and he is here(energy side of business) "for the long haul" because "energy is the place to be...." He repeated those time and time again.

As soon as the VP role for your side opened up, he jumped and never looked back. Make no mistake, I was never under the impression that he was really looking out for us so I'm not surprised by his move.

For those of you who are on the EES side and are familiar with the leadership of FW, Kip is a similar clone. Lots of buzzwords but don't expect much else.

Of course someone is spoon-feeding him all those phrases.