Open Letter to District & Regional Managers


I know some of you read CP, so here goes.

We are now finishing month two of a three week bonus cycle. None of us knows what our goals are. We can assume it would be somewhat similar to last quarter's goals. We are sales people. Our motivations are goal oriented. We have been taught to look at our goals and know how and where to get the business to achieve these goal. I do believe in doing my best each day, but in light of all things happening currently and over the last year of changes and uncertainty, this is one area that should be consistent and communicated. Our money.

We all know what our salaries are, I agree, but how fishy are goals going to look when (IF) we do get them? It is going to appear that you have looked at our previous two months and put goals just out of reach. As you know, in this business the scripts that come in over the next month have already been or are being generated today! Patients tend to finish current bottles before buying a new one, they use that sample before filling a script.

I urge and plead with you, for the sanity of all of us out here, PLEASE communicate what is going on with getting our goals to us. Also, I would highly recommend you consider not giving us something that is not attainable in the next week. You certainly do not want or need a mutiny at this time. Morale is shaky at best as all this awful talk about our company is in the daily news and all over this board and others (Allergan & Valeant). Most of us are concerned for our futures at this company and in this industry. We do not have the same incomes as you yet the same families to support.

Again, I respectfully request you put out communication today about where our goals are. I also recommend goals that are fair and attainable in this crazy environment we are in.

I feel certain I am not the only eyecare rep with these thoughts.

It would be the right thing to give us our goals for Q-3 by end of week. If it takes this long to get them signed off on then they need to PLAN BETTER. What if we were two or three months late on all of our paperwork???

If they cannot do their jobs effectively they should not punish us with crazy goals.

Exactly! As of today we have about three weeks to drum up scripts written and patients getting them filled. I don't know about the rest of you but I need a bonus. I am worried about my job if this purchase goes through. Actually I'm worried in general. Blue Team minus Lotemax gel exclusivity (generic intrusion)=fear + uncertainty. I may need some extra money to get through a rough time.

Please managers pressure your bosses to do us right. Stop the bleeding. Show us you care (however slightly) about us. We need something positive.

Tis the Valeant way.

Part of what Ackmam calls their operational excellence.

Can you imagine how much excellence there will be if the AGN acquisition occurs? What a house of cards.

Wait till you get the email about the bonus check
being delayed......!

That will really push everyone over the edge.

We have a bonus check payable the first payday in June, but have not seen any reports with our final rankings and bonus amounts. This has me concerned. I am not at all happy I have not gotten my goals for the quarter that is TWO THIRDS in the books. One thing you do not mess with is my money.

And they should know what happens when you mess with salespeople-they barely work and begin looking for new opportunities. Look how many great people Bausch has lost since Ista acquisition.

Furthermore-late bonuses? No one will even be making a bonus to speak of. People rànked in the teens making 5k-what?

We have a bonus check payable the first payday in June, but have not seen any reports with our final rankings and bonus amounts. This has me concerned. I am not at all happy I have not gotten my goals for the quarter that is TWO THIRDS in the books. One thing you do not mess with is my money.



Well, that's gonna help!

The only one that hurts is you! The better action is to call your regional manager and express your concerns.

Remember, bonus is just that-abonus. It is not guaranteed nor is it guaranteed on a certain date. Salary, on the other hand, is a different matter.

And, if you got the memo, they are adjusting the goals that were obviously too high. Know of another company who does that? I don't. Grow up. We are transitioning to a new company. Some things take awhile.

I know companies (worked for one) who decided not to pay bonus due to company performance.

Noone said you weren't getting your bonus.

Still don't have goals and won't until Friday, giving us three weeks left the qtr.... Yes goals were adjusted, which has happened in the past. They were very unreasonable from the get go. I think people are just tired and frustrated...taking suspension away, FINALLY. ONLY TO bring it back again. Short dated prolensa, and lacking samples of besivance. Hindsight is 20/20 and hopefully moving forward these issues won't repeat themselves.