Onglyza Killing People!


Killing people huh? Who gives a rats ass! I made a great bonus on the Big O! I mean, I would not let a family member take it, but I could care less about anyone else. Show me the money!

Here's a working version of the link:

AZ had "no comment" on the deaths.

Patient Health First! Rah rah, go sell!

Interpretation from a cynic: AZ is in this for money first. We hope no one dies, but if our product kills people, we have an insurance policy to pay the legal claims. And a legal team bigger than our subcontracted R & D function.

No we're not! This is will blow over after the review and the only people taking about will
Be the reps that sale the other DPP4's. It will be ok folks.[/QUOTE
The other reps will only have to refer to the fact that Onglyza is under major scrutiny. Why write Onglyza. It will be on the TV. If you are on Onglyza and had any problems come see me. Drug is dead

Been trough this at least 4 times and every time it rolls by! Don't panic! These people don't understand the study. These patents were very very high risk to start out with.