Onglyza franchise dead?


When exactly were they going to share this information? He said it like it was already known. Onglyza share has been tanking since we lost coverage and it's dragging down my percentage to goal for product portfolio. of course, then it's less bonus they have to pay us.

This product was dead from launch. Never had a chance against Januvia that was being handed out like Halloween Candy at each office. This product was never a moneymaker and did very little to capture market share in a saturated population.

This product was dead from launch. Never had a chance against Januvia that was being handed out like Halloween Candy at each office. This product was never a moneymaker and did very little to capture market share in a saturated population.

This is incorrect. It made over a half billion a year and was our biggest money maker in diabetes. Leadership screwed this up. In addition, when we split sales forces the downward spiral had started. Selling the entire portfolio proved to be successful, but the powers to be outsmarted themselves. Sad....

This is incorrect. It made over a half billion a year and was our biggest money maker in diabetes. Leadership screwed this up. In addition, when we split sales forces the downward spiral had started. Selling the entire portfolio proved to be successful, but the powers to be outsmarted themselves. Sad....

I think the SAVOR trial killed it.

This is incorrect. It made over a half billion a year and was our biggest money maker in diabetes. Leadership screwed this up. In addition, when we split sales forces the downward spiral had started. Selling the entire portfolio proved to be successful, but the powers to be outsmarted themselves. Sad....

half a billion vs. 6 billion in Januvia

TZD's each were pulling 1.8 billion plus each year

half a billion isn't exactly moving the needle in the world of T2D

half a billion vs. 6 billion in Januvia

TZD's each were pulling 1.8 billion plus each year

half a billion isn't exactly moving the needle in the world of T2D

It was our biggest revenue stream in diabetes. There was no mention of moving the needle and obtaining blockbuster status. It was just fact, that Onglyza paid bills for AZ. If we had competent leadership the potential could have been 1B.

It was our biggest revenue stream in diabetes. There was no mention of moving the needle and obtaining blockbuster status. It was just fact, that Onglyza paid bills for AZ. If we had competent leadership the potential could have been 1B.

And you answered your own question in the first line. In pharmaceutical numbers that is low when you look at the cost of R&D from start to finish, then trying to support a sales force.

My doctor gave me Onglyza first. I read about how dangerous it is and asked for something else. I was given Invokana. Been taking is a year. No problems at all. I know it has its dangers too, but it is at least less dangerous than uncontrolled Blood sugar in the 7.0 to 8.0 range. Cant say that about Onglyza....a patient

Onlgyza been dead for years. Wake up.

Invokana and Januvia had better clinical outcomes from their well designed trials, Onglyza had apparent idiosyncratic toxicity show up in its clinical trial. It can no longer compete, it would only fall further and further behind. At best a third or fourth choice from the formulary if the first two drugs fail now.