One word...WOW

Galderma makes Chernobyl look like Disneyland
This company has a broken, toxic culture. The only fix is for all the talent to walk away and find happiness elsewhere. Don’t allow yourself to put up with what is going on here, go find success and happiness somewhere else. It’s out there. You deserve it.

This company has a broken, toxic culture. The only fix is for all the talent to walk away and find happiness elsewhere. Don’t allow yourself to put up with what is going on here, go find success and happiness somewhere else. It’s out there. You deserve it.
Sorry you didn’t get the job. Try Syneos

Flem is a genius. Covid economy and he made more dough than last year already,
Wow, impressive. Some of us actually have pride, Flemming. We are here to do the right thing. We want to build a business, not just milk a job. You are driving everything, everyone, everywhere in the ground. You ARE the biggest a**hole in the industry.

Thomas and Flemming, no one likes you. You are the most universally despised individuals in the entire company. Are you that unaware how much you are disliked and disrespected?

That’s the culture you’ve created. Wow! What an achievement!