One of my doctors threw me out today & banned Novartis

One of my Docs called and asked if I ws going to be "laid off" . I told him the truth. He said that he is done with Novartis and will never write another product. This is also the largest volume writer in our territory. Sorry, Novartis.

One of my Docs called and asked if I ws going to be "laid off" . I told him the truth. He said that he is done with Novartis and will never write another product. This is also the largest volume writer in our territory. Sorry, Novartis.

Exactly what nvs product would he be left to prescribe anyway?
In other words nobody cares least of all the suits in basel.

I got kicked out last time around. Now am doing some promotion to doctors (non-pharma) and have made it my business to make Novartis look bad with almost every doc I visit. It is amazing how few if any docs defend it. When I tell them few of my stories, they just get disgusted with this once great company.
Novartis you IS done.

I got kicked out last time around. Now am doing some promotion to doctors (non-pharma) and have made it my business to make Novartis look bad with almost every doc I visit. It is amazing how few if any docs defend it. When I tell them few of my stories, they just get disgusted with this once great company.
Novartis you IS done.

It is YOU that contributes to NVS's perception. You are making yourself look bad in the process. When times are good, you're a GREAT rep, right? Look what happens to you when we get some bad news. You turn into a weak, spineless representative who bashes their own company. I wouldn't want to go into battle with you. No matter what our fate, have a little pride, professionalism, and class.

At least you didn't get thrown through a plate glass window for faiing to bring the health salad with the lean pastrami sandwiches as happened to a S Florida rep many years ago.

A nurse met me in the sample closet, shut the door And dropped to her knees. She didn't say a word, she unzipped my pants and slobbered me like a Popsicle. I spilled and she got up said that it was her last day and that she's always wanted to do that.

It is YOU that contributes to NVS's perception. You are making yourself look bad in the process. When times are good, you're a GREAT rep, right? Look what happens to you when we get some bad news. You turn into a weak, spineless representative who bashes their own company. I wouldn't want to go into battle with you. No matter what our fate, have a little pride, professionalism, and class.

That's not true I always bash these assholes in good times & bad

It is YOU that contributes to NVS's perception. You are making yourself look bad in the process. When times are good, you're a GREAT rep, right? Look what happens to you when we get some bad news. You turn into a weak, spineless representative who bashes their own company. I wouldn't want to go into battle with you. No matter what our fate, have a little pride, professionalism, and class.

Hi AssHole. Someone already answered your rant to my post. What this means that you are the only one who feels any sympathy or loyalty to this shit company. What I am doing is the right thing to do and many if not all would agree with me. You on the other hand are an apologist for one of the worse bigpharma cos around and is getting worse by the day. Why should anyone who got canned in any way, show any loyalty to them for this co has stopped giving any loyalty to emloyees only months after they destroyed two wonderful cos Sandoz & Ciba with that ill-adviced merger.
As for going into battle, there are only two things I would go into battle; my family and my country. Not a F%$%^& bigpharma co, called Nofucktis. It seems you are the type that would go into battle only for Novartis, never mind your family or country. In fact what you are doing is "going" into battle for no good son-of-a-bitch, the low life Vasella et al.

today during a shopping excusrsions 3 pharmacists mentioned they heard Tektuna (sp)
is pulled along with valtuna (sp) & they would tell patients popping in for refills of the renal & non fatal stroke risks .

(insert taps music here)

Here is my question - how do we ever look credible again? You can be the best and most respected rep in the world but after this what happens? Also what company is going to hire us when we are laid off from this shitty company due to our reputation? Unemployment line here I come!