Oncology...worth it?


I've read many of the threads regarding the Oncology division, most of which are very negative. That said, we have a large number of openings in Oncology which is not exactly a good sign. I happen to be one of the current Cephalon reps that would like to stay employed with Teva after the dust settles. I'm wondering if trying to get into Oncology right would be a good move. Currently I'm with CNS and it seems that the best way to make the move into Oncology is through an internal hire. I'm hoping some of you in Oncology can give me some feedback. I think most of us would agree that in this day and age keeping employed in the most stable environment possible takes priority.

For those of you that respond with a negative attack, go to hell. For those that try to be funny, haha that was a good one. And to those that give honest feedback thank you .

I've read many of the threads regarding the Oncology division, most of which are very negative. That said, we have a large number of openings in Oncology which is not exactly a good sign. I happen to be one of the current Cephalon reps that would like to stay employed with Teva after the dust settles. I'm wondering if trying to get into Oncology right would be a good move. Currently I'm with CNS and it seems that the best way to make the move into Oncology is through an internal hire. I'm hoping some of you in Oncology can give me some feedback. I think most of us would agree that in this day and age keeping employed in the most stable environment possible takes priority.

For those of you that respond with a negative attack, go to hell. For those that try to be funny, haha that was a good one. And to those that give honest feedback thank you .

See the Cephalon thread in the "Teva Neuroscience Board"...pretty much answers your question

I've read many of the threads regarding the Oncology division, most of which are very negative. That said, we have a large number of openings in Oncology which is not exactly a good sign. I happen to be one of the current Cephalon reps that would like to stay employed with Teva after the dust settles. I'm wondering if trying to get into Oncology right would be a good move. Currently I'm with CNS and it seems that the best way to make the move into Oncology is through an internal hire. I'm hoping some of you in Oncology can give me some feedback. I think most of us would agree that in this day and age keeping employed in the most stable environment possible takes priority.

For those of you that respond with a negative attack, go to hell. For those that try to be funny, haha that was a good one. And to those that give honest feedback thank you .

Not a good move. Very bad management.

there will be oncology cuts also. so dont be to sure that you are safe jumping from cns/pcs that you are safe. if you are in a good territory already then you might want to stay put.

there will be oncology cuts also. so dont be to sure that you are safe jumping from cns/pcs that you are safe. if you are in a good territory already then you might want to stay put.

There are some good reasons to avoid oncology, but this is not one. There will be no cuts in to number of territories after the transition to Teva. People making ignorant comments, like above, hopefully will be cut.

If you have the opportunity to get into Oncology TAKE IT! Sure, right now the upper management is nearly non-existent and absolutely DOES NOT show any support for the sales force; but that will hopefully change when the Teva deal is completed. The important thing here is that you get the opportunity to gain oncology sales experience. Teva doesn't have an Onc sales force and wants one. The territory boundaries may change a little but the number of positions will likely stay around 92. Currently there are around 24 vacancies and there will likely be more. It isn't a real sales job right now. bonus based on MBO's not sales, but the ground work has already been completed on the sales side and there is a minimum bonus (far better than some in other divisions have been getting for the past few years). The majority of the sales force that has and will leave Ceph Onc is doing so because of severe lack of leadership out of the home office, micro management policies that seem to be coming from Joe Caminetti's area (watch out for that guy... total backstabbing douche bag), lack of bonus potential, and lack of confidence in Bill Campbell, and Matt Shaulis.

Most that are staying are praying that Teva comes in and sends these former Wyeth a-holes packing. Only then can we get back to making this a better place to be. If you are truly interested in selling a great drug, Treanda is one of the best. Lack of combination data could be it's downfall and totally out of your control, so don't sweat that too much. Corp doesn't want to pony up the dough to get the indication to legally obtain those scripts when they can get them from all the docs when they read the publications and data that's already available. They just need to sacrafice a rep every three to six months to keep the FDA happy.