Oncology Won't Accept OB!

No way OB!

Not to start a fight, but I am relatively new to Eisai and I am wondering what OB did that was so bad? I am not in PC, so I do not know the specifics. I have been reading your posts and new threads, but nothing ever specific is mentioned. I know that some drugs are going off of patent, but I assume that is not the issue with this guy. Being that he is my new boss, I would love to find out what to be fearful of. Thanks in advance for your honest reply!

From Primary Care: Reps were treated badly by OB and their cash bonuses were systematically reduced through a scheme called channel stuffing. Channel stuffing is the business practice where a company, or a sales force within a company, inflates its sales figures by forcing more drugs through a distribution channel than the channel is capable of selling to the world at large. Finance, marketing and OB set the sales quotas based on the channel stuffing figures with full knowledge that we couldn’t possibly sell that much and thus reduced our bonus since the sales quotas were so high.

I met him and liked him at the POA. He came out and joked about cafe pharma! He broke the ice right away. The guy has smarts and class. You're all a bunch of whiners. I'm happy with Eisai. I've been in this industry a long time and seen it all. You have no idea how good you have it right now. The sooner you stop compaining and stop focusing on the negative, the sooner your life will change for the better. If you really want to be happy, start acting like you are. Get some worthwhile goalsl and strive to achieve them. Put your energy where it will do the world, yourself and your family some good. There is so much more to life than your half empty glass.

Years after years we were forced to share rooms under OB. He never had any issue because he always has his own room in the meetings. OB never ever tried to change the policy. We were treated not like professional but more like grocery store clerks.

I met him and liked him at the POA. He came out and joked about cafe pharma! He broke the ice right away. The guy has smarts and class. You're all a bunch of whiners. I'm happy with Eisai. I've been in this industry a long time and seen it all. You have no idea how good you have it right now. The sooner you stop compaining and stop focusing on the negative, the sooner your life will change for the better. If you really want to be happy, start acting like you are. Get some worthwhile goalsl and strive to achieve them. Put your energy where it will do the world, yourself and your family some good. There is so much more to life than your half empty glass.

I think it is you OB who writes this stuff about yourself. I met you there too and I know everyone that met you can attest that you were not perceived as a leader.

The same years, most of the other companies were making reps share rooms. Why is this a personal affront to OB? I also think it's really weird that people are saying that these execs we are discussing post on CP themselves. That is laughable. Someone enjoys a conspiracy way too much. I'm going to quit reading this shit.

The same years, most of the other companies were making reps share rooms. Why is this a personal affront to OB? I also think it's really weird that people are saying that these execs we are discussing post on CP themselves. That is laughable. Someone enjoys a conspiracy way too much. I'm going to quit reading this shit.

Everyone that I meet hates OB. They guy is bad news. Just look at us in Primary care!

From Primary Care: Reps were treated badly by OB and their cash bonuses were systematically reduced through a scheme called channel stuffing. Channel stuffing is the business practice where a company, or a sales force within a company, inflates its sales figures by forcing more drugs through a distribution channel than the channel is capable of selling to the world at large. Finance, marketing and OB set the sales quotas based on the channel stuffing figures with full knowledge that we couldn’t possibly sell that much and thus reduced our bonus since the sales quotas were so high.

Thanks for the response. I did not know that took place in this company. My only question remaining is...If finance, marketing, etc. were all in on the channel stuffing, wouldn't that come from a higher level than OB? He is getting the blame, but it appears to me that this came from above his head and he is getting the brunt of the blame. Just my thought, but obviously I could be very wrong! My concern now is did I make a terrible mistake coming into this company? The market is real tight right now to make another move.

As a former 'specialty rep' who was laid off (and visiting cafepharma for the first time since) I always thought OB took the rap for most of the shit that happened. I am assuming he is now managing the Oncology side of things (also or is he gone from PC?) but as a very seasoned rep I thought he was more genuine than most Executive Level mgmt I've seen over the years.

I agree with the poster above - focus on the positive and if you're not happy here - find something else. No - I haven't found another job yet - haven't even started looking because it's taking this long to untie myself from the knots of the last couple of years when Eisai became the company I didn't sign up for. And since I'm a single mom you'd think I'd be in a little more of a hurry but my pharma career is history - and while the decision was made for me I am so glad it was......Good luck during the transition everyone!

Thanks for the response. I did not know that took place in this company. My only question remaining is...If finance, marketing, etc. were all in on the channel stuffing, wouldn't that come from a higher level than OB? He is getting the blame, but it appears to me that this came from above his head and he is getting the brunt of the blame. Just my thought, but obviously I could be very wrong! My concern now is did I make a terrible mistake coming into this company? The market is real tight right now to make another move.

So now it is clear. These posts are from Primary Care Reps that worked under OB. It makes sense that they didn't come from Oncology reps because a good portion are new to the company and most never worked under him. If you have an issue state it and don't pretend you are speaking for the masses. It is so obvious most of these posts are from a few people with personal issues with OB that worked with him in the past and not the recent Oncology Reps.

While the decision might have come from the higher ups, OB was part of the machine and he condoned the illegal actions. OB knew what adverse impact channel stuffing practice had in the ability of the reps to make cash bonus and he did nothing to stop that. Why do you think OB is rewarded by the higher ups despite his terrible records in primary care? Do you really think in any other company, someone like OB with his failed track record would be kept or promoted?

Thanks for the response. I did not know that took place in this company. My only question remaining is...If finance, marketing, etc. were all in on the channel stuffing, wouldn't that come from a higher level than OB? He is getting the blame, but it appears to me that this came from above his head and he is getting the brunt of the blame. Just my thought, but obviously I could be very wrong! My concern now is did I make a terrible mistake coming into this company? The market is real tight right now to make another move.

In the middle of a q, after OB saw our sales numbers and after he saw how we were achieving and exceeding our sales goals, OB went to Marketing and asked them to change our sales quotas. Can you believe this? In the middle of a q, our quotas were changed! If it wasn’t a conspiracy by OB and management to deprive sales reps from their cash bonuses, then someone needs to redefine the word “conspiracy” for me.

From Primary Care: Reps were treated badly by OB and their cash bonuses were systematically reduced through a scheme called channel stuffing. Channel stuffing is the business practice where a company, or a sales force within a company, inflates its sales figures by forcing more drugs through a distribution channel than the channel is capable of selling to the world at large. Finance, marketing and OB set the sales quotas based on the channel stuffing figures with full knowledge that we couldn’t possibly sell that much and thus reduced our bonus since the sales quotas were so high.

Can this be true? Channel stuffing is illegal at least in the US because it impacts the stockprice of companies. There are heavy penalties for it. If that really happened to the point that the sales force is aware of it how come there has not been any legal ramifications. Also how would the reps know about it? A company would be very careful in not having something of this nature as public information?

Why do you think CS was forced out? Why do you think the previous CFO was forced to retirement with a nice departing package? Why do you think FC was kept and rewarded with hush money? Why do you think a couple of attorneys in Legal were let go? Why do you think OB is still here? They all know about Eisai's illegal scheme.

Can this be true? Channel stuffing is illegal at least in the US because it impacts the stockprice of companies. There are heavy penalties for it. If that really happened to the point that the sales force is aware of it how come there has not been any legal ramifications. Also how would the reps know about it? A company would be very careful in not having something of this nature as public information?

The post you were responding to was not written by a rep becasue no rep knows this much. It came from some high level person in the Primary Care. It will be interesting to see with the current departures, if more PCers will blow the whistle.