Oncology Regional Meeting - What a Disaster!!


Wow!! Novartis Oncology has reached a new low with this meeting. Nothing like leading off the meeting with the $600 iPads, ummm, all other oncology companies give these away as gifts at their meetings, nothing new and exciting. Really enjoyed starting the meetings again at 8am instead of 8:30am and also enjoyed the sessions until 6:30pm every night instead of 5pm. Oh, and that hotel, this is the one that was condemned a few years ago, I am still itching!! Never seen morale that low and the best part is when Christy asked for questions in the general session, everyone was quiet until one of her cronies had to embarrassly come up with some sort of stupid question. It was clear most of us are just buying our time or waiting for this bonus payout to leave, I know of about 10 people who are just waiting for their bonus so they can take off!! Oncology is now the craphole of this company and I guarantee roommates at these meetings are next!! Everyone is looking for other jobs and can't wait to get out of here, even back to mass market is better!! Its been a great run, but it is time to go and it was evident that Novartis doesn't want us here either!! Nice meeting Novartis, I am out!!

Its obvious they do not want us there anyway. Over 2000 more layoffs reported in sales and marketing yesterday. Oncology will be hit hard again. I am out after this bonus check!! Got a great job in Biotech. Biotech is where its at once again!! Party time!!!

Can you believe BC had the nerve to have his last slide tell us to "Laugh more & have fun!" We will do that when we can tell them to take there "Just be happy you have a job attitude" and shove it! Unless you are one of his chosen favorite that he has brainwashed to believe he cares and has a personality or heart.

What region was this. If it was the south with Mike kincaid they must of had the mtg in Birmingham, Al at the Holiday Inn
This douche bag is so useless its not funny anymore.

Be smart take the bonus ck and get a real oncology job with any of the new up and coming biotech firms. You will be treated like an adult and not have to worry all the time about getting laid-off or fired.

OXYMORON: Novartis Oncology

So how did the Kool Aid taste on the Oncology West Coast meeting?

Painfully useless! How many times can you beat a dead horse! Exjade rep here and I just can't believe how we have to keep doing these role plays that are soo useless. This isn't a chemo drug and docs just don't feel the need to use it! SC & Thal is a different story. It's the same thing every meeting ugh!!

Painfully useless! How many times can you beat a dead horse! Exjade rep here and I just can't believe how we have to keep doing these role plays that are soo useless. This isn't a chemo drug and docs just don't feel the need to use it! SC & Thal is a different story. It's the same thing every meeting ugh!!

I was fortunate enough to get out of micro mgt hell. How are you guys doing with Amgen's so called wonder drug. Looks like that me be tough to overcome.

Painfully useless! How many times can you beat a dead horse! Exjade rep here and I just can't believe how we have to keep doing these role plays that are soo useless. This isn't a chemo drug and docs just don't feel the need to use it! SC & Thal is a different story. It's the same thing every meeting ugh!!

OMG so glad I left. I stayed for a few yrs and then bolted....all the tripping over 5 other reps....I miss my friends but could never go back to NVS ONC....If I had to, I would go back to any other division at NVS except this one....uuugh.....and that Mike K....omg