Oncology NSM Hollywood Florida


Did you go to a Bar for your offsite event at night? The CRM franchise is taking all of us to a Bar in Dallas. So classy and clearly shows how important we are to the company. Nothing but the best for CRM. Count your blessings.

Much better than I anticipated. I feel like we’re turning the corner. I’m cautiously optimistic.

Are you serious? Sure the meeting had its moments but a huge percentage of the Onc division contracted Covid from the meeting and it’s all happening right now. Families are really sick (bad) and leadership is silent.

Much better than I anticipated. I feel like we’re turning the corner. I’m cautiously optimistic.

Is anyone talking about how many people got Covid coming out of this event? It’s unbelievable how many teams have been affected. Many associates and their family members are very sick right now. Where is leadership on this?

Are you serious? Sure the meeting had its moments but a huge percentage of the Onc division contracted Covid from the meeting and it’s all happening right now. Families are really sick (bad) and leadership is silent.

Yep. Im sick too. Started Monday. Two of my family members started yesterday.

It’s an astounding percentage of associates that attended the meeting at the Diplomat. Out 3 days and still nothing from leadership. I also heard some managers are telling the afflicted reps to stay home, but not put a sick day in the computer. Why? How could there be no communication about this outbreak?

It’s cold and flu season. Be an adult, if you’re sick stay home. You can’t live a productive life and live in a bubble.

It would have been nice if the person or people who had Covid and went to this meeting had taken your advice “if you’re sick stay home”. They didn’t. Instead this meeting turned into a super spreader event. Not sure how that helps productivity

It would have been nice if the person or people who had Covid and went to this meeting had taken your advice “if you’re sick stay home”. They didn’t. Instead this meeting turned into a super spreader event. Not sure how that helps productivity

Jeez did you ever think that maybe they got Covid while traveling to the meeting and didn’t know they were sick? Why assume someone would intentionally infect people. Glad we think so highly of each other as associates

It would have been nice if the person or people who had Covid and went to this meeting had taken your advice “if you’re sick stay home”. They didn’t. Instead this meeting turned into a super spreader event. Not sure how that helps productivity

Exactly and the meeting theme was Go!…more like Stop!

Exactly and the meeting theme was Go!…more like Stop!

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