Oncology field sales


I was thinking of applying to a Novartis oncology position. Can anyone share the culture in that division? I have some friends across the country who work in the cardiovascular and MS areas and they said it’s nothing but micromanagement, call metrics with unrealistic numbers, bad sales data and a lot of field rides. Is it similar in oncology? Thank you for any information.


Do you think the new product for allergy will be run like Rheumatology? It’s a lot of cosentyx folks.. trying to decide if I should go for it

Why would you leave the cushy Cosentyx team to sell remi? New scripts are going to be harder to uncover than legal votes for Biden. BID?, no thanks and 90% of allergists will continue to use Xolair for CSU, one because they’ll buy and bill it until the day they can’t and two, I’m sure it won’t work as well as a xolair either, see ligelizumab. And forget about your relationship w derms, most are idiots and could care less if their patients are itchy.

Do you think the new product for allergy will be run like Rheumatology? It’s a lot of cosentyx folks.. trying to decide if I should go for it

Why would you leave the cushy Cosentyx team to sell remi? New scripts are going to be harder to uncover than legal votes for Biden. BID?, no thanks and 90% of allergists will continue to use Xolair for CSU, one because they’ll buy and bill it until the day they can’t and two, I’m sure it won’t work as well as a xolair either, see ligelizumab. And forget about your relationship w derms, most are idiots and could care less if their patients are itchy.

Why would you leave the cushy Cosentyx team to sell remi? New scripts are going to be harder to uncover than legal votes for Biden. BID?, no thanks and 90% of allergists will continue to use Xolair for CSU, one because they’ll buy and bill it until the day they can’t and two, I’m sure it won’t work as well as a xolair either, see ligelizumab. And forget about your relationship w derms, most are idiots and could care less if their patients are itchy.

Dupixent will likely have a CSU indication as well by the end of the year. Remi will be a very hard sell to specialists for the most part. I can see the company having reps visit primary care offices as well since remi is a pill. They can prescribe it so easily before having to refer out to a specialist

What are call expectations or metrics per day/week for oncology? I’m with a smaller company where we don’t track metrics or call activity and we are allowed to record email and nurse interactions as calls on physicians. Any insight is appreciated as I am interviewing and don’t want to make a wrong move

Dupixent will likely have a CSU indication as well by the end of the year. Remi will be a very hard sell to specialists for the most part. I can see the company having reps visit primary care offices as well since remi is a pill. They can prescribe it so easily before having to refer out to a specialist
Dupixent will definitely not have a CSU indication by the end of the year but agree on Remi being a very hard sell.

Dupixent will definitely not have a CSU indication by the end of the year but agree on Remi being a very hard sell.

not to mention dupi’s efficacy in CSU is laughable...can’t even believe they are still pursuing the indication, frankly. It’s weakness in CSU will actually have a negative halo effect for other indications, IMO.

What are call expectations or metrics per day/week for oncology? I’m with a smaller company where we don’t track metrics or call activity and we are allowed to record email and nurse interactions as calls on physicians. Any insight is appreciated as I am interviewing and don’t want to make a wrong move
Just do your job and sell product. There is no call average. Lose the primary care mentality, this is real sales!

What are call expectations or metrics per day/week for oncology? I’m with a smaller company where we don’t track metrics or call activity and we are allowed to record email and nurse interactions as calls on physicians. Any insight is appreciated as I am interviewing and don’t want to make a wrong move

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