They team of SS and OB is about to destroy 300 family lives in Oncology!
Anonymous Guest Anonymous   May 03, 2010 at 10:31: PM #1 Anonymous Guest They team of SS and OB is about to destroy 300 family lives in Oncology!
Anonymous Guest Anonymous   May 03, 2010 at 10:58: PM #2 Anonymous Guest SS rocks! Thanks for making Onc a great place again.
Anonymous Guest Anonymous   May 04, 2010 at 08:25: AM #3 Anonymous Guest SS rocks when he touches his penis! He knows shit about oncology otherwise he wouldn't put a loser such as OB in charge of oncology.
SS rocks when he touches his penis! He knows shit about oncology otherwise he wouldn't put a loser such as OB in charge of oncology.
Anonymous Guest Anonymous   May 04, 2010 at 08:47: AM #4 Anonymous Guest Soon or later japan will learn the mess being generated by SS and OB. We hate these bastards.
Anonymous Guest Anonymous   May 04, 2010 at 10:54: AM #5 Anonymous Guest Anonymous said: SS rocks when he touches his penis! He knows shit about oncology otherwise he wouldn't put a loser such as OB in charge of oncology. Click to expand... Um yeah he has over 25 years in Oncology. He doesn't no anything about it. OK...
Anonymous said: SS rocks when he touches his penis! He knows shit about oncology otherwise he wouldn't put a loser such as OB in charge of oncology. Click to expand... Um yeah he has over 25 years in Oncology. He doesn't no anything about it. OK...
Anonymous Guest Anonymous   May 04, 2010 at 11:38: AM #6 Anonymous Guest I like it here again. Give them a chance, after all CS and LM came in here and pissed on everybody, and you respect them for that...? Oncology is starting to have fun again.
I like it here again. Give them a chance, after all CS and LM came in here and pissed on everybody, and you respect them for that...? Oncology is starting to have fun again.
Anonymous Guest Anonymous   May 04, 2010 at 12:08: PM #7 Anonymous Guest Oncology having fun? Are you kidding us? The only one that is having fun is OB or SS. Of course SS is having double fun if you know what I mean!
Oncology having fun? Are you kidding us? The only one that is having fun is OB or SS. Of course SS is having double fun if you know what I mean!
Anonymous Guest Anonymous   May 05, 2010 at 07:01: AM #8 Anonymous Guest It is time for Japan to start examining the situation in oncology. Whose stupid idea was it to combine the two sales forces and why? What does OB have to offer to Oncology? Why no one examined the mess in primary care?
It is time for Japan to start examining the situation in oncology. Whose stupid idea was it to combine the two sales forces and why? What does OB have to offer to Oncology? Why no one examined the mess in primary care?
Anonymous Guest Anonymous   May 05, 2010 at 04:49: PM #9 Anonymous Guest Japan had an opportunity to send someone to San Antonio but it didn't.
Anonymous Guest Anonymous   May 05, 2010 at 07:34: PM #10 Anonymous Guest No retreat, baby, no surrender! Oncology will stay oncology, primary care will stay primary care after the dust settles.
No retreat, baby, no surrender! Oncology will stay oncology, primary care will stay primary care after the dust settles.
Anonymous Guest Anonymous   May 05, 2010 at 08:21: PM #11 Anonymous Guest You don't know Jack about oncology OB.
Anonymous Guest Anonymous   Jan 15, 2011 at 01:18: PM #13 Anonymous Guest I was wrong. I wasn't a fan of the previous regime but I never thought Oncology would get this bad. Things are 100% worse today than it was last year. Eisai didn't get "gentler and kinder", we are much worse now.
I was wrong. I wasn't a fan of the previous regime but I never thought Oncology would get this bad. Things are 100% worse today than it was last year. Eisai didn't get "gentler and kinder", we are much worse now.