
you can find that job listed under "other" in the POA meeting registration. Clearly LH and her team don't think highly of the position

HA, good point. I thought I was the only one who noticed that. Pretty much tells you who the meeting wasn't for. I have always thought it was more about somebody in HQ flaunting themselves and their idealistic projects.

Will there be a lame attempt at an apology? I can see it now. Somebody or some people will stand on stage and extend their hands and try to apologize and applaud the sales team.

BMS is a sinking ship especially in oncology. Poor management starting with Murdo and his puppet Lynelle. Docs have heard everything about Erb after 7 plus years of using it. Struck out with Sprycel. Oncology reps are now treated no better than the young pups in primary care. No thinking outside the box is allowed. You are expected to follow the movie script or idiot script Breaking Barriers, same as other companies Breaking Away, Breaking Fast scripts. Docs have heard them all and just roll their eyes. Many of my Docs think the 'dialogue' we are having with them when our managers are riding with us is laughable. Ice par is a dud. Year yo is declining. With all the new oncology companies and new products they are introducing, BMS will be pushed to the back of the lunch list line. Docs want to hear about the new products not Erbitux and Sprycel. For your sake go elsewhere! There are plenty of far better opportunities in oncology and BMS should be last on your list!

BMS is a sinking ship especially in oncology. Poor management starting with Murdo and his puppet Lynelle. Docs have heard everything about Erb after 7 plus years of using it. Struck out with Sprycel. Oncology reps are now treated no better than the young pups in primary care. No thinking outside the box is allowed. You are expected to follow the movie script or idiot script Breaking Barriers, same as other companies Breaking Away, Breaking Fast scripts. Docs have heard them all and just roll their eyes. Many of my Docs think the 'dialogue' we are having with them when our managers are riding with us is laughable. Ice par is a dud. Year yo is declining. With all the new oncology companies and new products they are introducing, BMS will be pushed to the back of the lunch list line. Docs want to hear about the new products not Erbitux and Sprycel. For your sake go elsewhere! There are plenty of far better opportunities in oncology and BMS should be last on your list!

I can sum up oncology's problems with two names, Murdo and Lynelle. He "made" his success as did many with Plavix, a monopoly drug with 80% of its business off-label. She is a big wig wannabe, little real world experience, but excellent at Plainsboro intrigue. Good luck, if you have solid oncology experience, there are good companies that want to hire you. Why are you staying? For the "pension"! LOL!

HA, good point. I thought I was the only one who noticed that. Pretty much tells you who the meeting wasn't for. I have always thought it was more about somebody in HQ flaunting themselves and their idealistic projects.

Will there be a lame attempt at an apology? I can see it now. Somebody or some people will stand on stage and extend their hands and try to apologize and applaud the sales team.

Apology??? This management doesn't understand the word apology.