Oncology Business Unit Predictions

Can't just hire your friends and in oncology its all Genentech flunkies. Same thing happened at Pharmacyclics and Seattle Genetics and look at what clusters those are. Managers that don't get you need to actually hire the people that are qualified and have a variety of companies in the mix are just plain stupid. This has been the demise of other companies. Good ole boys club here too. Pass on this one.

The three Johns will hire a bunch of expensive oncology talent, the product will either be delayed or will be slow getting out of the gate and we'll experience Ranexa/Letairis part two.

If the interview and hiring process are any indication of how this division will be run, I'll give it one year until the restructuring, that's if drug approval doesn't get delayed.

If the interview and hiring process are any indication of how this division will be run, I'll give it one year until the restructuring, that's if drug approval doesn't get delayed.
I'm starting to hear rumblings that the FDA might be giving pushback on some of the data. If there is a 3 or 6 month delay, what does that mean for us?