Oncology Bonus Payout


Not happy about the M
Hem 3 situation. Many of us are being robbed!

Robbed? A bonus is not part of what is "owed" to you - it's given by the benevolence of the company. In other words, it's up to them to be generous or not...it isn't incumbent upon them to do so.

Having said that. We work for a company that short changes Reps day in and day out on commissions...which are also something they don't have to give you.

I sell Tasigna and I get ripped off by IMS data - all the time. Management from the top down have had it explained to them, and they are aware, but won't do a damn thing about it. Why? Because it opens a can of worms they'll never be able to put back in the can. So I and a few others get screwed...so what?

IMS group does more screwing around with data the Obama did in voting fraud!

They can skew the #'s anyway the want to either reward people of screw them out of the bonus $$.

Do you really think they are out for your best interest vs profit margin for the yoddelers in the Alsp?

IMS group does more screwing around with data the Obama did in voting fraud!

They can skew the #'s anyway the want to either reward people of screw them out of the bonus $$.

Do you really think they are out for your best interest vs profit margin for the yoddelers in the Alsp?

Ask the LA reps - they have a better understanding of quotas, payouts, and irregularities with IMS data than does management

Ask the LA reps - they have a better understanding of quotas, payouts, and irregularities with IMS data than does management

It's not just LA reps. I'm nowhere near there and it screwed me and a couple others in my area. What a joke. I know for a fact that this has gone up to Philipe. Ridiculous.

It's not just LA reps. I'm nowhere near there and it screwed me and a couple others in my area. What a joke. I know for a fact that this has gone up to Philipe. Ridiculous.

You think he gives a shit? Hahahaha Well - he does when talking to you about it, but not really. IMS can satisfy 90% of the territories with reliable figures and sort of F' over 10%. NVS management isn't willing to pay for the cost to scrutinize the lost 10%. So get used to it. Excellent reps have been shooed away for raising to much noise about it. It hurts to loose President's Club and rankings over false figures, but there you have it. THey don't owe you accuracy.

When I interviewed I specifically asked about reporting issues. I was tired of them and wasn't going to go to another Pharma company that can't things rights. Now this ims crap. First good offer and I am gone also. It's just a load of BS

You think he gives a shit? Hahahaha Well - he does when talking to you about it, but not really. IMS can satisfy 90% of the territories with reliable figures and sort of F' over 10%. NVS management isn't willing to pay for the cost to scrutinize the lost 10%. So get used to it. Excellent reps have been shooed away for raising to much noise about it. It hurts to loose President's Club and rankings over false figures, but there you have it. THey don't owe you accuracy.
