Oncology: Bonus on physicians we no longer call on?


I cannot believe we are responsible for sales for physicians we no longer have or call on and we get paid on a territory we are not even in? August 1st, after the realignment, we were told that we were going to get paid on our old territory? As every Afinitor script is followed, tracked and initiated for RCC, how can we receive credit as my old territory is vacant and no one is calling on that physician? We will lose that script and my numbers suffer, but I am still responsible for the sales? Is Novartis going to hire ghosts to initiate Afinitor therapy, I think not, so we will all be screwed the quarter for sales that we no longer have control over?

I understand if I do not hit my goal under my control, but how can we be responsible for sales on physicians we do not even call on? Can you say lawsuit and ethics issues for this? Very strange on how they can pay us on physicians we do not have any sales control under? This is rumbling in every territory and about to explode!!!


I cannot believe we are responsible for sales for physicians we no longer have or call on and we get paid on a territory we are not even in? August 1st, after the realignment, we were told that we were going to get paid on our old territory? As every Afinitor script is followed, tracked and initiated for RCC, how can we receive credit as my old territory is vacant and no one is calling on that physician? We will lose that script and my numbers suffer, but I am still responsible for the sales? Is Novartis going to hire ghosts to initiate Afinitor therapy, I think not, so we will all be screwed the quarter for sales that we no longer have control over?

I understand if I do not hit my goal under my control, but how can we be responsible for sales on physicians we do not even call on? Can you say lawsuit and ethics issues for this? Very strange on how they can pay us on physicians we do not have any sales control under? This is rumbling in every territory and about to explode!!!

Don't you get that we want you overpriced panera delivery people to quit ! Geesh !!

Issues on territory may last untill January 2012.
Layoffs, reassignments, realignments, data issues...how can this company give any ratings below a 2 this year? It has legal issues all over it.

Novartis wants it both ways. They will fire you for making up calls and pay you bonus on docs you don't see? Gotta love Novartis!! Nice job on the realignment!! Just give everyone bonus based on company performance already!! Glaxo loves this!!

Concentrate on those that prescribe. 1. They wouldn't see you. 2. You were pissing them off with your aggressive, self-serving attitude.

Whiny fuckers

No kidding. Left an office today that I have called on a long time. They were telling me the nightmares that they were dealing with when they did take Reclast referrals from IM/GP/FP. They told me that they don't want any outside referrals due to the nightmares they had. So-adios, no more reclast in another Onc office...

I cannot believe we are responsible for sales for physicians we no longer have or call on and we get paid on a territory we are not even in? August 1st, after the realignment, we were told that we were going to get paid on our old territory? As every Afinitor script is followed, tracked and initiated for RCC, how can we receive credit as my old territory is vacant and no one is calling on that physician? We will lose that script and my numbers suffer, but I am still responsible for the sales? Is Novartis going to hire ghosts to initiate Afinitor therapy, I think not, so we will all be screwed the quarter for sales that we no longer have control over?

I understand if I do not hit my goal under my control, but how can we be responsible for sales on physicians we do not even call on? Can you say lawsuit and ethics issues for this? Very strange on how they can pay us on physicians we do not have any sales control under? This is rumbling in every territory and about to explode!!!

Imaginary Doctors!!!!
Imaginary Goals!!!
Imaginary Calls!!

No kidding. Left an office today that I have called on a long time. They were telling me the nightmares that they were dealing with when they did take Reclast referrals from IM/GP/FP. They told me that they don't want any outside referrals due to the nightmares they had. So-adios, no more reclast in another Onc office...

That's comical... My inside contact at the infusion center (primary care Drs wife) says that the Oncology rep never helps with anything regarding Reclast... (of course I totally understand since you guys don't get paid for it.-no motivation) I had no intention of calling on the oncologists...JUST the infusion centers... I talk to all of the offices not willing to infuse themselves and if my oncology rep would have just been willing to let me connect the dots between the doctors that refer to make sure I could let them know what they need...it would have been seamless...

Now as I have been dropping off the patient information to them... They tell me the oncology rep told them "oh...our rep said your company doesn't make those kits anymore"... Wow Karma...never wanted to interfere with your business... Just help mine a little...

My numbers for Reclast have never been better...now that my Oncology Rep is out of there... I have the support of the Primary Care referrals...AND the infusion Centers...

Huge cuts in September/October. Another 15% in Oncology!! What a mess we are in!! Getting paid in Q4 for docs that nobody is calling on and we are accountable!! Then we lose our jobs!! What a classy organization!!

That's comical... My inside contact at the infusion center (primary care Drs wife) says that the Oncology rep never helps with anything regarding Reclast... (of course I totally understand since you guys don't get paid for it.-no motivation) I had no intention of calling on the oncologists...JUST the infusion centers... I talk to all of the offices not willing to infuse themselves and if my oncology rep would have just been willing to let me connect the dots between the doctors that refer to make sure I could let them know what they need...it would have been seamless...

Now as I have been dropping off the patient information to them... They tell me the oncology rep told them "oh...our rep said your company doesn't make those kits anymore"... Wow Karma...never wanted to interfere with your business... Just help mine a little...

My numbers for Reclast have never been better...now that my Oncology Rep is out of there... I have the support of the Primary Care referrals...AND the infusion Centers...

Maybe you're a good, maybe your Onc rep was bad. I can tell you from personal experience that Reclast reps pissed off my customers too many times to count. They and their management accused my clinics of committing fraud on Medi-Care. They told them that Reclast and Zometa were not the same drug. They questioned their clinical judgement. It didn't help that clinics already had 7 Novartis reps calling on them, they didn't need 2 or 3 more for a drug that they didn't prescribe.

Bottom line is in an organization this big you have to create rules that cater to the lowest common denominator. A handful of over-aggressive, uninformed reps can ruin many opportunities for the rest. I believe this is the case here. Too bad for the good reps.

Novartis also fucked up this launch royally. They thought they could launch Reclast using Hospital Infusion Centers and teach some PCP's to infuse. When this failed miserably, they turned to Oncology practices without our knowledge or help. Then you blamed Oncology when you found out that Zometa was being used regularly by many for Osteoporosis already. We didn't sell it that way; it was way too small a market for us to care. Either way Novartis was getting the sales, but in the fucked up culture they promote the company doesn't matter. What matters is that you reach goals or you're shit canned. They regularly pit us against each other. Bad for the customer, bad for business. This should surprise no one.

Maybe you're a good, maybe your Onc rep was bad. I can tell you from personal experience that Reclast reps pissed off my customers too many times to count. They and their management accused my clinics of committing fraud on Medi-Care. They told them that Reclast and Zometa were not the same drug. They questioned their clinical judgement. It didn't help that clinics already had 7 Novartis reps calling on them, they didn't need 2 or 3 more for a drug that they didn't prescribe.

Bottom line is in an organization this big you have to create rules that cater to the lowest common denominator. A handful of over-aggressive, uninformed reps can ruin many opportunities for the rest. I believe this is the case here. Too bad for the good reps.

Novartis also fucked up this launch royally. They thought they could launch Reclast using Hospital Infusion Centers and teach some PCP's to infuse. When this failed miserably, they turned to Oncology practices without our knowledge or help. Then you blamed Oncology when you found out that Zometa was being used regularly by many for Osteoporosis already. We didn't sell it that way; it was way too small a market for us to care. Either way Novartis was getting the sales, but in the fucked up culture they promote the company doesn't matter. What matters is that you reach goals or you're shit canned. They regularly pit us against each other. Bad for the customer, bad for business. This should surprise no one.

I too have had experiences where the reclast reps misrepresented not only to oncologists but also billing people and even PharmD's.

Some of their lies included;

reclast is more potent than Zometa
reclast is a different salt of ZA than Zometa
reclast J code can be used for Zometa to get higher reimbursement

All of these false statements resulted in messes that the Oncology Rep had to clean up. Of Course the reclast Reps now have ZERO credibility in this territory!

Maybe you're a good, maybe your Onc rep was bad. I can tell you from personal experience that Reclast reps pissed off my customers too many times to count. They and their management accused my clinics of committing fraud on Medi-Care. They told them that Reclast and Zometa were not the same drug. They questioned their clinical judgement. It didn't help that clinics already had 7 Novartis reps calling on them, they didn't need 2 or 3 more for a drug that they didn't prescribe.

Bottom line is in an organization this big you have to create rules that cater to the lowest common denominator. A handful of over-aggressive, uninformed reps can ruin many opportunities for the rest. I believe this is the case here. Too bad for the good reps.

Novartis also fucked up this launch royally. They thought they could launch Reclast using Hospital Infusion Centers and teach some PCP's to infuse. When this failed miserably, they turned to Oncology practices without our knowledge or help. Then you blamed Oncology when you found out that Zometa was being used regularly by many for Osteoporosis already.
We didn't sell it that way; it was way too small a market for us to care. Either way Novartis
was getting the sales, but in the fucked up culture they promote the company doesn't matter. What matters is that you reach goals or you're shit canned. They regularly pit us against
each other. Bad for the customer, bad for business. This should surprise no one.

I appreciate your post... And I promise when I am in there it is only to let them know that one of my drs has been referring...then dropping off pt info....if the pc offices are providing the info they need to complete the infusion...When they have a dr that isn't doing the proper documentation with the referral...I take that back to the drs office.

I have been in my territory for a long time...And have done relatively well... I respect what you guys do, and I personally won't be negatively impacting the offices... (I stay out of that side) good Luck during the next round if there is one... I heard Gen Med is going to have some again somewhere between sept-Dec....

First company I ever worked for where it is ok to pay you on physicians you do not call on, and not pay you on ones that you do? Everyone said this company is backwards, but never believed it until now! Lazy up in NJ! Must not had enough lawsuits?

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