Once you get fat you are screwed


You never look the same, even if you lose weight. Look at the Medifast ads on this site and Kristy Swanson. She used to be hella hot then she got fat and now she is just ok. Her face has changed, still puffy and round. Ladies, don't get fat to begin with or no one will want you!

There was a manager at my company (in fact she just got promoted again to sr. management) who was so serious about her career but she is freaking HUGE! How can a woman be so consumed with excellence in career but settle for being unhealthy and giant? I think the same thing when I see obese women getting their hair done all up and mani/pedis or tanning. They are so concerned with appearance yet let their bodies go? Strange to me.

There was a manager at my company (in fact she just got promoted again to sr. management) who was so serious about her career but she is freaking HUGE! How can a woman be so consumed with excellence in career but settle for being unhealthy and giant? I think the same thing when I see obese women getting their hair done all up and mani/pedis or tanning. They are so concerned with appearance yet let their bodies go? Strange to me.

I have to agree with the part where you get your hair done, makeovers, manis/pedis, tanning, etc......but you dont' take care of your body?

At my heaviest I weighed 180. Now I weigh 136. So I lost 44 pounds in a little over a year. My face is thinner, but I do have some loose skin under my arms. I am happy with my body now. I get compliments all the time!

So true. That's why so many fat women are desperate to have a successful career cause that is all they can ever hope for. Poor souls.

You fucking idiots. Damn, such products of the drive by sexist mass media. Talking heads, spewing out infomercials. Could you be anymore obnoxious? Don't think so.

Fact is, most people gain weight by middle age, when the stress of life gets mighty heavy. Men, as well as women gain weight and suffer equally. The only difference is that men rarely will shit on men for this tragedy. Both men and women, which is sickening, and seriously low functioning, low self esteen men and women find someone to go after. Who do they pick? Not gangbangers, not child molesters or criminals, no, they go after other women. Women, not men, with weight problems. There are plenty of other addictions out there, that hurt people and kill them and those around them, do you hear these same low life, low self esteem idiots putting them in their place and trashing drugees, alcholics and other addicts who kill people for their habit? Hell no, and why? because its far easier to pick on someone in your inner circle. Makes the low lifes/low self esteem people feel big and superior. Get some therapy, your problem is way worse than any over weight person's. Way worse.

There was a manager at my company (in fact she just got promoted again to sr. management) who was so serious about her career but she is freaking HUGE! How can a woman be so consumed with excellence in career but settle for being unhealthy and giant? I think the same thing when I see obese women getting their hair done all up and mani/pedis or tanning. They are so concerned with appearance yet let their bodies go? Strange to me.

Yes and we often ponder your bad breath, you casually sex and high risk taking behavior, along with your chemical depend., which up until now you hav been able to hide, but won't for long, as well as your low self esteem. Deperately needing to get and keep the onus off of your own glaringly apparent problems, you go after other peoples. Get therapy and go do something about your shortcomings, which perplexes us about you and why you even exist.

So true. That's why so many fat women are desperate to have a successful career cause that is all they can ever hope for. Poor souls.

How long have you been out of the trailer park, poor low i.q. one? You have such a ridiculously simplistic sexist mindset, one can only conclude that you are the result of genetic inbreeding. Go, get some education and you won't make assinine remarks like this. This is 2009, not 1609. You could insert any number of "isms" and cruel nasty remarks in for fat women, like "black women", old black men, stupid sexist low iq managers and it wouldn't be any less disgusting.

Just be glad you/we don't live in Japan...I read in The Economist last month that once you get to a certain age in Japan, the government measures your WAISTLINE and you get FINED if the measurement is too large!!

To those above who are overly sensitive about your weight, please don't resent the rest of us who eat small amounts and exercise daily. Face facts...AMERICA HAS AN OBESITY EPIDEMIC and downplaying the issue won't make it go away. Slamming others for mental issues, bad breath, etc also won't make it go away. Closing your pie hole WILL make it go away.

I eat what I want, but I never binge. I eat very small amounts of the rich, sweet or carbo-filled items. Anyone can do, it is not a secret, but few do. Don't hate me because I do and you don't!!

To the asshole above. My God you are a narcissistic little bitch aren't you. You're so fucked up mentally, that you aren't capable of seeing you utter lack of compassion or sensitivity. So completely focused on your miserable little control of your miserable little life, that its ALL you have to talk about.

I bet you have NO friends, except for others who are either narcissitic, borderline personalities like yourself, with severe body dysmorphia and you actually think you sound like a normal person here?

Let me tell you something, you are the most self loathing person on here and you give yourself away. Transparent as a fucking sheet of saran wrap.

Now, before you go purge and vomit, or take another round of your diet pills and laxatives, take a good hard look in the mirror. Whos fooling who? Oops, I see a brown trail coming out under your pants, better race to the toilet, because you never know which end the shits coming out of. Today, its coming out of your mouth. Ugly foul stickin breathed borderline.

Being fat is a lonely life. I am ignored and I only attract men who are losers in life, i.e. no car, no license, etc. If I refuse them then I am alone. I used to be really hot, but not I'm fat. It sucks and the heavier I get the more painful it is to exercise and eat less. No need to hate on the people who are telling it like it is. The reason why we get mani/pedi, and our hair done is because it's easy to do. Dieting and exercising is not easy to do and it does not a quick result like going to the beauty salon. Most fat women feel like crap because of the way they look, getting beautified at the salon brings feelings of being beautiful again. Anyway, just a look into a fat person's life and point of view. And no I am not offended by anyone's comments following this. :)

Just don't make it your goal in life...


p.s. note how nice her nails look!

I didn't look at the video. I've posted several times on this site as I'm a runner and I tore up one knee. The pain was not bad but I thought it was my meniscus. As it turns out my ACL is gone and my medial meniscus was torn. I'm a practitioner so I got a call that alarmed me (my knee MRI was really bad per the nurse). I saw the best knee orthopedic specialist.

She told me I needed to start biking or I would need a knee replacement by 40. I'm 40 something and still run. I'm careful as I jog/walk. I'm great at running uphill but not downhill. I've run several marathons but my best times have been half marathons. When I've run marathons my half time times have been on pace but then when I finish at 26.2 (I want to cry when I see my time). I've always finished well but I guess not what I had hoped for. I'm going to run a half marathon and because it is mainly uphill. I've been watching several young runners prepare for the half and they get out of breath on the sidewalk!

Correction: Once you lose self-control you're screwed.

However it doesn't matter how much self-control you have if your understanding of proper nutrition or your access to healthy foods is limited. Unfortunately this is often the case and most people struggling with weight management are not even aware of it. It's not their fault! We aren't taught what things in school like the difference between simple sugars and complex carbohydrates. (1) There's more to a nutrition label than just fat and calories. (2) The majority of foods that are most accessible are NOT optimal for weight management.

Managing one's weight requires an understanding of nutrition and how the foods we eat affect our body, then using that knowledge to make good choices (self-control) about what to eat.

Yes it's a challenge. Mother nature and the foods most of us were raised on are not kind in the long run. You're only screwed if you deny personal responsibility and fail to realize how much control you have over it, or, how much control it has over you.

Research, experiment, gain an understanding of the issue. Have some faith in yourself and keep working toward that realization.

Correction: Once you lose self-control you're screwed.

However it doesn't matter how much self-control you have if your understanding of proper nutrition or your access to healthy foods is limited. Unfortunately this is often the case and most people struggling with weight management are not even aware of it. It's not their fault! We aren't taught what things in school like the difference between simple sugars and complex carbohydrates. (1) There's more to a nutrition label than just fat and calories. (2) The majority of foods that are most accessible are NOT optimal for weight management.

Managing one's weight requires an understanding of nutrition and how the foods we eat affect our body, then using that knowledge to make good choices (self-control) about what to eat.

Yes it's a challenge. Mother nature and the foods most of us were raised on are not kind in the long run. You're only screwed if you deny personal responsibility and fail to realize how much control you have over it, or, how much control it has over you.

Research, experiment, gain an understanding of the issue. Have some faith in yourself and keep working toward that realization.


The poster discussing proper nutrition was a little off base. Not the he or she was not wrong but the only way to lose weight is to exercise. I'm the poster who damaged my ACL and meniscus.

Exercise does not have to be horrible. You start slow and build your endurance. Walking is great but in order to get anything out of it you will need to feel uncomfortable for at least 20 minutes. You can't stroll around the block.

Nutrition is important but when you are overweight 200 calories a day will make you gain weight. Exercise resets your metabolism. I've been a runner for a long time but I'm older and run. I was advised to get a bike or I would need a knee replacement by 40. I have passed that mark. My knees are in great shape.

I wish you luck.

Some posters have offered some good advice on this thread regarding weight loss. In order to re-energize your body's metabolism you have to build muscle...no exceptions. lean muscle (even on a fat body) constantly burns calories. With more lean muscle, your resting metabolic rate increases and your body uses the stored fat as fuel for the muscle you build. The trick is to keep eating during this process...think of food as the fuel that keeps your body's metabolic fire buring. Those who starve themselves trying to lose weight will force the fire to go out and your body will hoard the stored fat so it can simply survive. You will lose weight but that will be water weight and it will all come back.

Also, drink at least a gallon of water a day. Water flushes your system out and helps to transport nutrients to your growing muscles. Too little water in your diet equals a fat body...

Good luck to everyone whose trying to lose weight. It takes consistency and hard work as there are no short cuts.

Also if your a guy, you can change the shape of your sternum. I am a Male fit Pro style bodybuilder. I have competed at the local level and have been told I show-up to lean. So, I decided to bulk up. I put on about 40lbs over two years. Then I increased Cardio, and butned it down. I would say I ended up with 15 lbs of new muscle. the downside was that I noticed a rounding at the bottom of my Sternum.

My doctor told me that because of the strength of my abs, and then the rapid weight gain, it caused what is known as "Turtle shelling" of the abdominal area. The result was my Sternum curled up alittle and now when I diet down for a show, I obviously have a weird bump in my Sternum.

Oh as an aside, Medifast, Optifast etc are all rip offs. If you can not loose weight go for Surgery!

I believe if you're VERY overweight and lose it, yea it's never the same because of the amount of excess and droopy skin (I've seen it). But if you're like what happened to me and was 20 lbs over and lost it through good nutrition and in my case a ton more exercise then there's not much of a change. I lost a little in my face, but mostly in the thighs.