Oncall - Pfizer is taking advantage


Ok. it starts with no interview. Just a little part time gig to call on GYN's. About $25K per year no other real bonus. This is call number based. No manager ride alongs.

Now we are responsible for growing market share without any reports to support this, we are to detail an electronic detail which will be tracked and monitored by Pfizer and we have monthly manager ride alongs.

All with no increase in $$ or bonus. Are u freaking kidding me???? You up the anty for this stuff and get people who will do it and do it well or you get what you pay for. Can't have it both ways!!!!!

Yeah, all true, and OnCall is not in much of a position to push back on Pfizer, are they? This is going to be fun trying to get doctors to view electronic details on BOTH Premarin and PVC! Now, it turns out bonus is quarterly, rather than monthly as indicated in the offer letter.

And if you are on the 2.5 days/week schedule, you are only talking about $20000/year. Not much of an incentive to do all the stuff that full time reps are expected to do.

Everyone just relax. Word on the street is that all successful sales reps within 1 year will be rolled over into permanent positions with Pfizer. You will receive full benefits with the possibility of a company car, bonuses, 2 weeks vacation etc.

I call BS on the response that Pfizer will roll in successful reps and offer benefits and a car. That is what they are eliminating and seeking in contract work. They would do their own hiring for that.

This is typical suck the contract dry and hope you get people who know what an endometrium is and a uterus.

I call BS on the response that Pfizer will roll in successful reps and offer benefits and a car. That is what they are eliminating and seeking in contract work. They would do their own hiring for that.

This is typical suck the contract dry and hope you get people who know what an endometrium is and a uterus.

Obviously, OP # 3 was being sarcastic!

Duh - do the electronic details in your call before or after each call, Stupid!

Common Denominator: Oncall. Oncall obviously low-balling reps, winning company contracts with the "How Low Can We Go?" pay during an abusive time for workers. Even if Pfizer, or some other company offers a decent salary/wage, Oncall is taking plenty off the top. Worst paying, flakiest contract company, ever.

Common Denominator: Oncall. Oncall obviously low-balling reps, winning company contracts with the "How Low Can We Go?" pay during an abusive time for workers. Even if Pfizer, or some other company offers a decent salary/wage, Oncall is taking plenty off the top. Worst paying, flakiest contract company, ever.

True Dat, True Dat!

Micromanagement is fine when you are making a $75K plus base, full benefits and have a compnay car.

Tracking and time stamping and all the other BS for $25k - f##@ nuts.

Pfizer you need to confront OnCall if they are the rapists. Or Oncall you need to put up the hand and re-evaluate the terms. WE ARE GETTING SCREWED.

OnCall will do anything that Pfizer asks. They need Pfizer. Pfizer doesn't need them. Oncall wants the contracts and wants to increase them. They have at least 2 to 3 contracts at this time, and they want to get new ones & renew the existing ones. Pfizer contracts are very lucrative for Oncall. I understand how you feel, but IT IS WHAT IT IS. They know if you don't like it & quit, there is always some desperate, out of work rep, who will take the job because they desperately need the money & something is better than nothing. (Like Myself included) Right now one of the biggest problems in America today is UNEMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION - many employers for some disgusting reason don't want to hire people who have been unemployed and if you have been unemployed for an extended period of time, they certainly won't touch that. The bottom line, how is easy was it to get this job? It probably was pretty easy, whereas, other contracts sales organizations, like PDI, VENTIV, PUBLICIS etc would bust your chops to get a similar job. So while it is not the ultimate scenario we would like to have, and while no other employer is breaking down doors to hire us, at least ONCALL gave us a chance to make some money. There are many people out there that are desperately seeking jobs & would grab this job in a minute. Sometimes we need to appreciate what we have for the moment and move on from there because there are people that are worst off then we are. I remember very well what the life was being a FULL TIME REP WITH THE GREAT SALARY, BENEFITS, COMPANY CAR ETC. It was my dream & passion before I actually got into the industry nearly 20 years ago to be a pharma rep. It was a wonderful life. Now, it is a far distant dream again to experience that life again. But at least, I am still in the industry, getting some money to give to my family. Thank you Oncall. No one came breaking down my door, and I was an award winning rep like many of you, but Oncall gave me an opportunity to make some money. I remember reading how many of you got the job with Oncall and how many who applied didn't get the job, but who desperately need a job. Sometimes we need to appreciate the little things, even if it is not the ultimate.

I agree with you about unemployment discrimination. That is the main reason I accepted this job. At two days a week it actually pays less than unemployment did, but it shows a potential employer I am working. So, for that I am happy to have the position. As for the job itself, I am just taking it as it is. I am going out and quickly and swiftly doing my calls and not worrying too much about the rest. It is definitely not worth any stress at all. I mean, the worst that can happen if they aren't happy with me is to fire me, and no big loss there. But honestly, I think if you just execute the basics, make your calls and keep a balanced inventory you will be fine.

Ok. it starts with no interview. Just a little part time gig to call on GYN's. About $25K per year no other real bonus. This is call number based. No manager ride alongs.

Now we are responsible for growing market share without any reports to support this, we are to detail an electronic detail which will be tracked and monitored by Pfizer and we have monthly manager ride alongs.

All with no increase in $$ or bonus. Are u freaking kidding me???? You up the anty for this stuff and get people who will do it and do it well or you get what you pay for. Can't have it both ways!!!!!

At first I really wasn't seeing this, but now I couldn't agree more. My manager keeps demanding more and more and is totally micromanaging. This really isn't worth it for what we are getting paid.

Yeah, we have a district conference call this week, to discuss the new "dashboard" reports. And, I hope I am not right, but look next for reports on number of post-call letters sent and percentage of call with digital media used.