On the Entresto contract, is anybody else getting the feeling that.....


Novartis is gearing up to drop PDI? I've been on this contract since the beginning, but have noticed for the first time that the Novartis mgr and reps seem to be excluding PDI from almost everything. Not told about speaker programs upcoming, mgr talking only to NVS reps on a conf call when we're all on there, etc, etc. It's happening in several districts throughout the nation. Talked to 6 others from across the country who've noticed subtle changes recently as well.

Please share what changes you've noticed recently.

Novartis is gearing up to drop PDI? I've been on this contract since the beginning, but have noticed for the first time that the Novartis mgr and reps seem to be excluding PDI from almost everything. Not told about speaker programs upcoming, mgr talking only to NVS reps on a conf call when we're all on there, etc, etc. It's happening in several districts throughout the nation. Talked to 6 others from across the country who've noticed subtle changes recently as well.

Please share what changes you've noticed recently.

Why would you even care? Quit frankly I wished they ignored PDI since day 1. Hopefully they will completely ingnore PDI and barely even do work withs. The less contact the better. They never valued the opinions of PDI since day one so why is it important now. These people are odd from the start.

Novartis is gearing up to drop PDI? I've been on this contract since the beginning, but have noticed for the first time that the Novartis mgr and reps seem to be excluding PDI from almost everything. Not told about speaker programs upcoming, mgr talking only to NVS reps on a conf call when we're all on there, etc, etc. It's happening in several districts throughout the nation. Talked to 6 others from across the country who've noticed subtle changes recently as well.

Please share what changes you've noticed recently.

I've noticed this too...wonder what's up....guess I need to get the resume polished up!!

As a contract rep I preferred not dealing at all with the client counterparts...its uncomfortable for everybody to begin with...lets face it a contract rep get paid less (they know that) for the same amount of work....we're viewed as a threat (like anybody at the field level has any input up to corporate) ... had company counterparts play stupid power trip games and silly complaints ... like a kindergartener complaining about having to share their 64 colors crayons with the the other kids...I just did my job and turned in my reports on time.

OP here. I'm not complaining, I much prefer to be left alone....just curious if this is a sign that the contract may end soon. Taje a look at the thread about NVS getting an email PDI didn't get---perhaps another sign.

As a contract rep I preferred not dealing at all with the client counterparts...its uncomfortable for everybody to begin with...lets face it a contract rep get paid less (they know that) for the same amount of work....we're viewed as a threat (like anybody at the field level has any input up to corporate) ... had company counterparts play stupid power trip games and silly complaints ... like a kindergartener complaining about having to share their 64 colors crayons with the the other kids...I just did my job and turned in my reports on time.

Yes this is so true. I for one will never take another position in contract where you are handed over to the Manufacture DM as a tackling dummy. Those days are over.