On behalf of Lilly, thank you for taking our our garbage

Yeah..Paul has bloated his dept to a level beyond belief...it is full of fat...you know the bad visceral fat....which you just can't get rid of, all foreign born MDs and EDs who do not have any understanding of drug safety...husband and wife working in the same department under different names...full of fraud!

Yeah..Paul has bloated his dept to a level beyond belief...it is full of fat...you know the bad visceral fat....which you just can't get rid of, all foreign born MDs and EDs who do not have any understanding of drug safety...husband and wife working in the same department under different names...full of fraud!

Whose the husband and wife?

Yeah..Paul has bloated his dept to a level beyond belief...it is full of fat...you know the bad visceral fat....which you just can't get rid of, all foreign born MDs and EDs who do not have any understanding of drug safety...husband and wife working in the same department under different names...full of fraud!

Agreed. Nothing beats the safey compliance group. Another group of EDs reporting to EDs. More people with no experience and no medical licenses. Tragic department.

Check DB and his young wife LL...Brits who could not find jobs in their own country how can DB become an ED and LL a director after pushing 2 kids out of Amgen...really what makes her director material?...I am not envious but this is blatant nepotism and favoritism! Wake up useless HR department...can't u see what is going around?

The best nepotism was the Fiegals. Classic. VP and Exec Director. She was useless trying to assimilate DM's group. Classic power hungry ho