
I can't believe that NY is patting themselves on the back and fishing for complments and praise for working today with less than 100% electricity! OMG people, what happened did your perrier get a little less than idealy chilled in the refridgerator? People lost their lives, first responders saved lives and you want accolades because a few lights were out?? Go check out a make-shift lab in Afghanistan...oh wait, you can't do that, you might break a nail or your wing tips might get scuffed LOL! What a bunch of panzies! Go ahead, pat yourself on the back NY. Get a real job.

I can't believe that NY is patting themselves on the back and fishing for complments and praise for working today with less than 100% electricity! OMG people, what happened did your perrier get a little less than idealy chilled in the refridgerator? People lost their lives, first responders saved lives and you want accolades because a few lights were out?? Go check out a make-shift lab in Afghanistan...oh wait, you can't do that, you might break a nail or your wing tips might get scuffed LOL! What a bunch of panzies! Go ahead, pat yourself on the back NY. Get a real job.

yea, they can be real proud of themselves LOL, LOL, LOL, LOL. Like they were the only ones who went to work. What a pack of wussies!! hahahahahahahahaha.

Vemon spitting lies. You are a biter bashier and you just hate the companies successfullness and you are mad because since you quite you get paid less at you're new company!!! Serial poster with issues don't believe!

Judging by the number of typos, I'd say jj still is here, even if I haven't seen him around!

Vemon spitting lies. You are a biter bashier and you just hate the companies successfullness and you are mad because since you quite you get paid less at you're new company!!! Serial poster with issues don't believe!

I for one don't get paid less at my new company. I make the same and more impotantly (WAY more importantly) I'm appreciated... which is something you know nothing about.

Vemon spitting lies. You are a biter bashier and you just hate the companies successfullness and you are mad because since you quite you get paid less at you're new company!!! Serial poster with issues don't believe!

This is a classic example of how uneducated DGB's management team is. I bet he is extremely proud of you, trying to defend the puppet master with numerous grammatical errors, lmao!! You are one of the main reasons the company sucks and is rapidly failing. Bravo!! Please keep posting because you are hilarious, as well as a GED having asskisser.

Same here. I now work for my husband so needless to say, I love my new job!

I'm glad I got out when I did too. It took a little time to get used to the new career but I'm much happier than I ever would have been at BL. I make a difference and I'm appreciated where I am now and that is much better than being available to be DGB's scapegoat!

I'm glad I got out when I did too. It took a little time to get used to the new career but I'm much happier than I ever would have been at BL. I make a difference and I'm appreciated where I am now and that is much better than being available to be DGB's scapegoat!

Speaking of your new career, can I have fries with that? And supersize it!!!

Really i have a master degree jackass.and when we worked at az we had to support ny and fl,va because they get there together so az was the best so kiss my ass.

You have a master degree like I fly the space shuttle asshole! We all "no" you have a GED degree! hahahahahaha. You're right Az was the shit, that's why it closed. You are the biggest moron I've encountered on here do date (that means, so far)!!!!

Sorry you dont have a master degree jackass.Yes az was the best should have stayed open we had to fix everybodys problem. Just remember i am the shit you can take that to the bank.

Sorry you dont have a master degree jackass.Yes az was the best should have stayed open we had to fix everybodys problem. Just remember i am the shit you can take that to the bank.

Only a r***** would say "master degree" without specifying their concentration. Hope that GED takes you far after BL closes. Only way you will make money is embezzling it from the register you will soon be working behind.