OMG...they really think people are giving up vacation??


Are they for real...what idiot would come off vacation this week to have to deal with this crap!!
Anyone that does, that thinks its going to keep their job by sucking up, is living in a cave.

I would never give up my vacation to have to go around and deliver this type of news.
WHy they couldn't have waited 2 weeks for this all to break is a mystery to me


Do you really think this was the first the company knew of the ALLTITUDE results? Novartis waited until the last possible date to pull the trigger on the "company directed" promotion hault. They got every last penny they could before the FDA said "either you stop promotion or we pull the drug from the market". Novartis had no choice except to do this and try and save face in the media. Now they are keeping all of us on to do the dirty work of spreading the message about Tekturna and then they will drop over 50% of us like a bad habit. Big Pharma has no feelings or loyalties. These companies are not worried about employees and their families. One thing runs them...profit to the shareholder. The Gen Med business unit now has Exelon Patch and Reclast. How many reps are trained on these drugs, and how many reps are needed to promote them? Not many.

Do you really think this was the first the company knew of the ALLTITUDE results? Novartis waited until the last possible date to pull the trigger on the "company directed" promotion hault. They got every last penny they could before the FDA said "either you stop promotion or we pull the drug from the market". Novartis had no choice except to do this and try and save face in the media. Now they are keeping all of us on to do the dirty work of spreading the message about Tekturna and then they will drop over 50% of us like a bad habit. Big Pharma has no feelings or loyalties. These companies are not worried about employees and their families.

Bingo , deleterious effects of multiple drugs working on the RAAS has been documented for years now .
It's not as if all the patients in the trial suddenly suffered adverse events at the same time
Novartis certainly knew what was going on & took a calculated gamble for the profit just like Merck did with Vioxx
Remember these bozo's were desperate enough to try & relaunch prexige despite hepatic failure & death
There is no way in hell I can face my docs any more with a straight face.
If anything I will suggest losartan for every AHY patient in a futile attempt to save face for my next gig where I may have to deal with the same clients

Wow, you have a lot of integrity- don't you?!

You know we could have cancelled the Christmas break due to unforeseen circumstances.

you are crazy... do you not realize that Novartis & you have lost ALL credibility with their customers? In fact, they have lost credibility with their sales force- why should we be the one's to clean up their mess? They need to ask for volunteer- layoffs fast....I'm embarressed!

This is not about what Novartis did wrong. I feel like I owe it to my doctors to be the one to deliver the news. How anyone could feel any differently is beyond me.

Just like you were the one to deliver the news about adding tekturna on to their diabetic, hypertensive ace patients in order to decrease PRA and reduce BP even more. Just like you were the one to deliver the message about Valturna decreasing aldosterone more than just Diovan alone. Just like you were the one to deliver the message about using two RAAS agents together safely for the first time.

We have been giving these "messages" to our doctors who have believed in our knowledge on our products. Unfortunately we are dependent on Novartis for our training and knowledge. Its going to be tough and look ours doctors in the eye and tell them that their patients are currently on a drug that can cause serious damage to them and it is directly due to the information we gave them.

I agree with the Novartis is asking you to come off your vacation and tell all these Drs about the drug you have been pushing for the last how many years


I agree with the Novartis is asking you to come off your vacation and tell all these Drs about the drug you have been pushing for the last how many years


This looks like a job for DM's & MD's . It would be the first practicle thing these
clueless useless asswipes perform in a decade.
Besides last man standing gets the job

I was let go from Novartis last year and I am so happy!!!!!!!!!!!!! Found a great company to work for. Cash in your loyalty! I was an award winning rep several times and found no loyalty> Get out if you can! Novartis has the worst reputation and after the news on Tekturna are you kidding me reps?? you are working for a money hungry company that could care less about you or your families. Wait for the call. I hope you get severance>>>>>>>>>>> Stay strong andget out with dignity...

Hello, people, you are just a number. Novartis has no loyalty!! Credibility is gone just like it was with Elidel and Zelnorm. Your doctors will NEVER listen to you much less the managers. They HATE to see a manager coming.

I was let go from Novartis last year and I am so happy!!!!!!!!!!!!! Found a great company to work for. Cash in your loyalty! I was an award winning rep several times and found no loyalty> Get out if you can! Novartis has the worst reputation and after the news on Tekturna are you kidding me reps?? you are working for a money hungry company that could care less about you or your families. Wait for the call. I hope you get severance>>>>>>>>>>> Stay strong andget out with dignity...

Look now and hope for severence and you land something soon.