OMG - I think this stuff may be true after all

Finally!!!!!!! Someone gets it. Who told you? Your favorite KOL? Which part of the country do you live in. Try to give me a clue as to who "gave you a clue!!!"

WE R SCREWED! WE get a royalty from Idenix? Whats that about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought we owned this drug! I should have stayed at Merck.

I took up law. Patent Law. My kids will be set for the rest of their lives and their kids and their kids. I am trying to help yours.

GULP....You were right. I just checked the stock quote of your "F'n stock IDIX. Something is up. Thanks for the heads up. I did buy some puts bro. I owe you a beer. One that comes in a 4-pak.