Omar is Neutron Jack, Geoff is Jeff Immelt


Neutron Jack built GE into one of the largest corporations in history by the time he retired in 2001. After Jeff Immelt took over, he oversaw Jack's financial house of cards collapse.

Neutron Omar built Medtronic into the largest medical device company in the world by the time he retired in 2020. After Geoff Immelt (Martha) took over, he oversaw Omar's financial house of cards collapse.

Neutron Jack built GE into one of the largest corporations in history by the time he retired in 2001. After Jeff Immelt took over, he oversaw Jack's financial house of cards collapse.

Neutron Omar built Medtronic into the largest medical device company in the world by the time he retired in 2020. After Geoff Immelt (Martha) took over, he oversaw Omar's financial house of cards collapse.

I remember that email Geoff sent after George Floyd died. Geoff Fueled the lies and racial hysteria like a good little woke lemming.

I lost all respect for him right then. At least wait until the facts come in. When the facts finally came out, they showed that Floyd was a criminal and on high doses of drugs including fentanyl and acting like it. There was not one piece of evidence proving race was any factor in Floyd's drug overdose. The hysteria was fueled purely by optics which did not tell the true story, true meaning in full context.

Geoff Cucktha

SMH......get off the MAGA train for just a tiny little pirce of your life. It's nice and sane out here.....
I hate MAGA and I hate Trumpster Divers.

Some of us can think independently and see the BS on both extremes. To pretend like you are not buying into an extremist narrative is remarkably naive.

Geoff was so “angry and frustrated” by the death of George Floyd, but not one word from him on the deaths of innocent other people (many of whom are black) that occur on a daily basis in this country. He did it purely out of virtual signaling as he lives in his white enclave. Biggest hypocrite I ever met.

Geoff was so “angry and frustrated” by the death of George Floyd, but not one word from him on the deaths of innocent other people (many of whom are black) that occur on a daily basis in this country. He did it purely out of virtual signaling as he lives in his white enclave. Biggest hypocrite I ever met.
Virtue signaling your selective outrage to go along with the hysterical lying mainstream narrative is not a leader. That is what you call a coward. Real leaders speak inconvenient truths boldly. Real leaders are rarer than hen's teeth.