Ok! Ok! Move along! Nothing to see here! It's back to Work as Usual!


Now that all the excitement is over and we have gotten rid of some more dead wood, you guys get ready to hit the field early Monday morning!! It's a new day at Merck! Everybody sit back and take a deep sigh of relief! As for me, it's back to faking calls and screwing over Mother at every opportunity, not mention riding whomever coattails I need to in order to survive!

Yesiree! Monday is a new day and Mother will take care of us as usual!


Now that all the excitement is over and we have gotten rid of some more dead wood, you guys get ready to hit the field early Monday morning!! It's a new day at Merck! Everybody sit back and take a deep sigh of relief! As for me, it's back to faking calls and screwing over Mother at every opportunity, not mention riding whomever coattails I need to in order to survive!

Yesiree! Monday is a new day and Mother will take care of us as usual!

Bravo!! I can't understand why any Merck rep with half an ounce of awareness, would do otherwise…

Merck deserves to have every rep screw them badly…they need to see what happens when you adapt a scorched earth policy toward your own sales force…


Now that all the excitement is over and we have gotten rid of some more dead wood, you guys get ready to hit the field early Monday morning!! It's a new day at Merck! Everybody sit back and take a deep sigh of relief! As for me, it's back to faking calls and screwing over Mother at every opportunity, not mention riding whomever coattails I need to in order to survive!

Yesiree! Monday is a new day and Mother will take care of us as usual!

Agree totally! Today, I will fake about half my calls then take my kids to see the new Transformers movie in the early PM. I really enjoy my new "work schedule"!!!

Bravo!! I can't understand why any Merck rep with half an ounce of awareness, would do otherwise…

Merck deserves to have every rep screw them badly…they need to see what happens when you adapt a scorched earth policy toward your own sales force…


Oh, something tells me that Merck is getting plenty of what they deserve. I'm sure dolling out my share.

FU Merck.

cc//: Whitehouse Station, Legal Dept

-One Time Official Notice-

We here in UG of course are working very hard on a letter of agreement with CP !
As everyone knows, Merck employees are in violation of policy and the condition of their employment by being on this site. For years we have warned you, now we are going to do everything within our power to track each of you down and terminate you; and oh by the way that means you get nothing: No vacation, No WARN, No temp use of the Company Vehicle, No Severance Pay, No Bonus, and if we can figure it out.... we'll try to legally de-vest you from the company sponsored pension plan. Since we are now fully tracking everything you do or rather more than likely don't do, through the iPad, we are now going to get this negative PR under control.

cc//: Whitehouse Station, Legal Dept

-One Time Official Notice-

We here in UG of course are working very hard on a letter of agreement with CP !
As everyone knows, Merck employees are in violation of policy and the condition of their employment by being on this site. For years we have warned you, now we are going to do everything within our power to track each of you down and terminate you; and oh by the way that means you get nothing: No vacation, No WARN, No temp use of the Company Vehicle, No Severance Pay, No Bonus, and if we can figure it out.... we'll try to legally de-vest you from the company sponsored pension plan. Since we are now fully tracking everything you do or rather more than likely don't do, through the iPad, we are now going to get this negative PR under control.

What an idiot. First, no matter what you do, even when you're fired you're paid for unused vacation. Next, CP tracks NOTHING of those who post as 'Anonymous' and if you're dumb enough to post from your company device then, well, duh!

If HQ wants to fix their 'negative PR' they can start by treating people like human beings again and maybe coming up with some business plans that don't come at the expense of the average worker just trying to earn a living!

Wah! I'm only gonna work half days because Merck's gonna lay off! Wah! I'm only gonna work half days cause Merck just laid off! Wah! I'm only gonna work half days cause Merck will someday lay off again! Methinks some people just want to work half days. Maybe you should put on your big boy pants on and do you job...

cc//: Whitehouse Station, Legal Dept

-One Time Official Notice-

We here in UG of course are working very hard on a letter of agreement with CP !
As everyone knows, Merck employees are in violation of policy and the condition of their employment by being on this site. For years we have warned you, now we are going to do everything within our power to track each of you down and terminate you; and oh by the way that means you get nothing: No vacation, No WARN, No temp use of the Company Vehicle, No Severance Pay, No Bonus, and if we can figure it out.... we'll try to legally de-vest you from the company sponsored pension plan. Since we are now fully tracking everything you do or rather more than likely don't do, through the iPad, we are now going to get this negative PR under control.

I am living proof of the above !

In the course of 3 days I got phone calls in the following order....DCO, CTL, Legal, Sample Accountability and then HR.

Even now I am not sure what $hit they have on me. I did not steal property, but in terms of posting here and faking calls; to keep up the quota (and you know who you are we all do it. Frankly, there is not enough customers that see us in our territories).

Funny thing is, I was kept this go around and now this. WTF !

Apparently, I am not the only one and know that others are being put on PIPs as we speak.

As to my fate it does not look good. I will be lucky to get out of this without having to explain it to my next employer. If Merck wants to fire you, THEY WILL !

.....and it will boil down to even single detail of everyday that you have worked for them. My lawyer said if I try to defend this my creditability will be CRUSHED under the weight of data that they have on me and all of us. Never thought it would happen to me, I guess someone did not like me along the way or another rep turned me over to the Gestapo; and to think I am a 4 time VP Award Winner....well that doesn't mean $hit !


I am living proof of the above !

In the course of 3 days I got phone calls in the following order....DCO, CTL, Legal, Sample Accountability and then HR.

Even now I am not sure what $hit they have on me. I did not steal property, but in terms of posting here and faking calls; to keep up the quota (and you know who you are we all do it. Frankly, there is not enough customers that see us in our territories).

Funny thing is, I was kept this go around and now this. WTF !

Apparently, I am not the only one and know that others are being put on PIPs as we speak.

As to my fate it does not look good. I will be lucky to get out of this without having to explain it to my next employer. If Merck wants to fire you, THEY WILL !

.....and it will boil down to even single detail of everyday that you have worked for them. My lawyer said if I try to defend this my creditability will be CRUSHED under the weight of data that they have on me and all of us. Never thought it would happen to me, I guess someone did not like me along the way or another rep turned me over to the Gestapo; and to think I am a 4 time VP Award Winner....well that doesn't mean $hit !


Good posting…exposes how truly sick a company Merck is…They force reps to lie, and then if they don't like you, they use those lies against you to get rid of you…

Creepy, cult-like place…


Wah! I'm only gonna work half days because Merck's gonna lay off! Wah! I'm only gonna work half days cause Merck just laid off! Wah! I'm only gonna work half days cause Merck will someday lay off again! Methinks some people just want to work half days. Maybe you should put on your big boy pants on and do you job...

Maybe I should f--k Merck for as much as I can. Yes, I believe I shall.

FU Merck

I am living proof of the above !

In the course of 3 days I got phone calls in the following order....DCO, CTL, Legal, Sample Accountability and then HR.

Even now I am not sure what $hit they have on me. I did not steal property, but in terms of posting here and faking calls; to keep up the quota (and you know who you are we all do it. Frankly, there is not enough customers that see us in our territories).

Funny thing is, I was kept this go around and now this. WTF !

Apparently, I am not the only one and know that others are being put on PIPs as we speak.

As to my fate it does not look good. I will be lucky to get out of this without having to explain it to my next employer. If Merck wants to fire you, THEY WILL !

.....and it will boil down to even single detail of everyday that you have worked for them. My lawyer said if I try to defend this my creditability will be CRUSHED under the weight of data that they have on me and all of us. Never thought it would happen to me, I guess someone did not like me along the way or another rep turned me over to the Gestapo; and to think I am a 4 time VP Award Winner....well that doesn't mean $hit !


They have nothing on you. No matter what, don't quit. You can bleed them for a year or more. Just take their B.S., smile and say, "Give me my check, Bitches!"

You were kept because they felt it would be cheaper to force you out. It's happened to thousands of Merckies. It's just business---a business run by human trash.

Let me guess, white male….mid 40's…about 15 years tenure?

Stay in the fight and don't weaken. That cash is yours. They'll offer you a package if you don't break. It's happened over and over.

cc//: Whitehouse Station, Legal Dept

-One Time Official Notice-

We here in UG of course are working very hard on a letter of agreement with CP !
As everyone knows, Merck employees are in violation of policy and the condition of their employment by being on this site. For years we have warned you, now we are going to do everything within our power to track each of you down and terminate you; and oh by the way that means you get nothing: No vacation, No WARN, No temp use of the Company Vehicle, No Severance Pay, No Bonus, and if we can figure it out.... we'll try to legally de-vest you from the company sponsored pension plan. Since we are now fully tracking everything you do or rather more than likely don't do, through the iPad, we are now going to get this negative PR under control.

LOL. Sure thing Napoleon. Good luck in your imagined "conquest" of those who speak their mind freely. Keep working hard on that agreement with CP, let us know if you need any help.

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