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OHIO is getting hammered because it's TRUE!


There has been a lot of discussion about OH......IO this week. There have been comments about the root causes of the problems, and from those who may think it is a minority of people who speak. I do not speak for the state, but I do pay attention, listen and observe others. My perspective is that this state has NEVER been in worse shape and is in disrepair! The leaders, at all levels, have lost their way and we have terrible morale. Most are looking for other jobs, because this place is awful. Go ahead and disagree, but you know it's the truth!

There has been a lot of discussion about OH......IO this week. There have been comments about the root causes of the problems, and from those who may think it is a minority of people who speak. I do not speak for the state, but I do pay attention, listen and observe others. My perspective is that this state has NEVER been in worse shape and is in disrepair! The leaders, at all levels, have lost their way and we have terrible morale. Most are looking for other jobs, because this place is awful. Go ahead and disagree, but you know it's the truth!

This may be the most accurate post that I have seen on this board.

My direct observations of the sales "talent" in Ohio is a part-time work ethic, off lable promotional activities and inflated self images. Over paid cry babies from the Y generation.

Now you feel the pain that has been with Michigan these past 5 years. MR told us to bite our lips and deal with the flawed sales numbers. Then MR helped to destroy Michigan with failed leadership. Sucks dont' it !!

A standard set by the former (demoted) Wyeth ABD. In other words "looking good is the imperative over business competency."

Please, boys & girls stop acting like you are so devoted & have the answer for pfizers problems.

If the managers on high don't care, why should you.
It's futile. It's beyond your control.

Please, boys & girls stop acting like you are so devoted & have the answer for pfizers problems.

If the managers on high don't care, why should you.
It's futile. It's beyond your control.

Over managed. Under "brained."
There's no cookbook solution, there's no formula or menu to pull pfizer out of its malaise.
You can check ALL of the boxes and create a few more.
Whats REALLY needed is a cohesive vision. Staffed by REAL leaders.
NOT these box checkers, system analysis or lawyers.

Dupey made sure they were taken out or silenced. Amazing the damage her and cartoonie have done in such a short time. How can you possibly make Goober look like the best RP? Now that is a talent!

My direct observations of the sales "talent" in Ohio is a part-time work ethic, off lable promotional activities and inflated self images. Over paid cry babies from the Y generation.

You cant blame the Y generation.
Upper management fires those over 45, replaces them with the Ys to show a better bottom line.
It.s what upper management does here.
My advice; make it while you can. Stash it & move on when the time comes.

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