OH BOY, Another $4.5 Million Loss


Wasn't this a bio-pharma? Not a sniff about drug pipeline in the news release by Barry.

FDA Approved PCR and BDNA Platforms? huh??? When did ENZ become a instrument lab?

Trying to get bought by BD, Werferen, ORTHO, or TRIPATH etc....

Fact, level 1 FDA clearence is at minimum 1-2 years. Level 4 Diagnostics is 5 years for new diagnostics.

This company has one year of cash on hand without trying to bring a diagnostic to FDA approval.

Admit you are for sale, put an ad in the Huntington Post or the Port Jeff Times


Seems like this is another angry rant from the nutty irishman cormac barret. In retrospect, you should have quit your day job and stayed with your acting career. Keep drowning your sorrows in another pint of guinness