In the world of the 1 yr contract what does the DM do? Not like a year review for a raise or something. Dog and pony show is so true. I am surprised all offices have not closed to DM's. Todays doctors are just to busy to tell the receptionist that they need to also become screeners for letting reps back with their DM or not. Paperwork for the DM and expenses have been replaced by electronic submission of this info and the need for them, much like the reps will see their end coming soon. Obamacare will seal the fate of the salesperson in this industry. It will all become auto ship of samples if the gov. will still allow that. Most contract reps have years of experince anyways. The DM role has changed from mentor to babysitter. Does it really make sence to start job that says it will end at a certain date? If you do good or not, at the end you will have to look for another job. What was once a career has now become just a job. I have seen more people get promoted and given awards that could not sell a thing but just knew who ass to kiss in the worthless chain of command. It has become one big sorority or fraternity that those that are in watch out for one another until the cuts come, and believe me they will. It is a throw your buddy under the bus, backstabbing afair that would make anyone sick. Think about cuts for a second. Hire a third party that comes in and picks numbers. If the manangers had any worth they would be tied to the sales results and pick the best people. Now comes the transition to the on call rep or the per diem rep. It's a sad state of afairs for the healthcare system in this country. Obamacare will only make things bad for the reps, doctors and healthcare overall. This is just my opnion, you might see things differently.