Office Insider


Just feel bad about the lay-offs on March 21st. The insurance coverage is horrible especially Medicaid. DMs are told what to do - to harass reps in the district - put on plans - keep on plans to scare the crap out of them. Numbers are always wrong - budgets and sales quotas are done at last minute in order to screw reps in the field. Alinia is a failure. Good at the GI level but most Peds will not use it. Locoid is a good product. Suprax is a good product but the move is to generic - even CVS will switch a patient to generic over Suprax even if the doctor writes brand only. They do not get paid bonus on it. Lupin should have eliminated most of the mangers - the upper management sales team. Mike and Tim have no purpose. Mike creates most of the problems in his region in order to justify his position. Need to get rid of Mickey too. Get rid of these old pharma types. Their model is dead. Will never talk to reps about Obamacare and its effects on coverage. I will jump ship as soon as possible. I know so many reps in many areas over the country that call me daily to complain about the impossible crap the management puts them through. India will rape the American market until they can get no more. 15% growth for the 4th quarter is the craziest unrealistic goal - and 25% a year last year. All I can say is apply for something else. Never admit anything to management - they will hang with it.

lupin was a fall out company from the pharma purge of late 2000's. most reps used jobs there as a stop gap or as a way to make money without really caring. mike s is a wash out, old pharma, old mind, old dog with the same tricks. lupin does not innovate and if you are not innovating you will be consumed by generic competition. look to companies that are doing things again, even some of the big houses, the pharma model is not what it was but forget all that, those days are gone, settle in with a company that has good drugs that work, not a bunch of me2 offerings.

I am was a manager with Lupin. Mike will force his managers to harrass the reps. I was to put unreal pressue on reps to get them to break. Mickey is another piece of crap - also walking in with his spray tan and talking about his golf game. All upper management must go. Alinia was the worst product to promote in the field. Suprax has no coverage in some states - those that have it on Medicaid - well they have the numbers. I agree with the Insider about Mike making problems to keep his job.

Lupin - listen up! Get rid of Tim, Mike, Mickey and few at that level. They are worthless and living in a dream world - a world where you are providing them lavish lifestyles for no real work!

Our Mission Statement

We, the willing
Led by the unknowing,
Are doing the impossible
For the ungrateful.
We have done so much
With so little
For so long,
We are now qualified
To do anything
With nothing.

When you have lost all sense of work life balance, have no one waiting for you at home, drink or drug yourself into a stupor to deal with management, and have lost all sense of value and moral integrity from all of your customers..
you are a true Lupinyte.

Funny thing - in my district to deal with our meetings especially corporate breakout - we snorted whatever the others brought with them to the meeting and took Vicadin to kill - we did a line or two before listening to Mike lie and BS us.

Half of my district did a line before out meetings. Just to cope.

Our Mission Statement

We, the willing
Led by the unknowing,
Are doing the impossible
For the ungrateful.
We have done so much
With so little
For so long,
We are now qualified
To do anything
With nothing.

When you have lost all sense of work life balance, have no one waiting for you at home, drink or drug yourself into a stupor to deal with management, and have lost all sense of value and moral integrity from all of your customers..
you are a true Lupinyte.